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I'm a jungle main and I swapped to the support role to accommodate a better jungler yet he had no qualms about harassing/insulting me because I wasn't using my ult when he wanted. I feel pretty let down considering I'm one of the people who actually stook up for him on this subreddit when 99% of people were sh*tting on him but whatever.




Edit: I posted this below but I'll post it here so people can see it: I just watched the first 4 minutes and his words are 'I was like hey Kaisa please buy statis' as opposed to what he said actually said which was 'buy stasis asap' and 'get fkinf stasis' which he follows up with 'this isn't a flame right?' No but it's toxic right? And he tries to think of a reason why it isn't but he can't so he starts talking about the about adc mid for a bit then eventually comes up with the reason that he always tells people to 'do f*cking this' and makes a point of saying it out loud in a jokey way to prove it, yes I'm sure haha.

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by SolubilityRules


Get in here

Posting here for Darkbreaker. Not gonna address whether this kind of chat is "toxic". That's pretty loaded term that means different things to different people.

Instead I want to address mindset here. I get the frustration that people feel when someone on your team isn't playing well, or doing things that look obviously suboptimal to you. Especially when you're in ultra try hard mode in Legendary Queue. We all want to win when we play. So I understand why people say negative stuff in chat and I'm certainly guilty of expressing my frustration in game. You gotta ask yourself though... are you really trying to win? Are you really tryharding in all aspects? Because if you are, you should look really carefully at what you say to your teammates. Saying stuff like "u too dumb to use ult?" does not actually result in people playing better. You might be right that they should have used ult, but you're not effective at getting that person to use it more effectively in the future and you're probably contributing to their tilting and making them play worse. Trashing your teammate probably feels good in the moment and you can release some of your frustration, but it's not helping your team win. Now, I get that no one it gonna write a novel telling a teammate how to play good in game, but you don't need to.

All you gotta do is to not type and at least you won't make things worse.