I have 3 Accounts on this game on the EUW Server and 2 of them are Challenger the other one is grandmaster.
I've pushed through grandmaster 2 times already and I'm currently doing it again… maybe I like pain 😂
But the state of grandmaster right now, especially for people that don't have the time to grind a lot in this game, is unplayable.
For those of you that don't know it the problem is the LP gains/loses.
You get 10-15 LP for a win & Lose 15-20 for a loss.
I did a bit of research on it and apparently the only argument for that is: "Only Top Players should be in Challenger"
While at first sight the argument might make sense, if you look behind the curtain… it doesn't.
You are grandmaster. You play most of the time, against people that have the same skill level as you have. I can understand that you should be winning more than you lose to climb but expecting a 66% to 75% win rate against the top 2% of players is insane.
This leads to a major problem in this system. People let themselves drop intentionally to Master again because the LP gain there is "normal". +15-20 for a win. -15 for a loss.
Countless of games are being trolled in grandmaster because this is apparently an accepted strategy.
So here comes the big question. Is riot planning on making any changes to that soon?
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