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Just making it to D4 shouldn't have been the only requirement to join what is supposed to be the "elite" ranking system. Almost every game, people spamming "i can't play x role", people not understanding basic counter picks, people not even understanding counter building (if you keep getting slapped by the ad champ, literally build a single armour item ffs its not that hard). It just seems like for something that was supposed to be the new competitive, high skill system, it really isn't.

Also, is the player base really that small that I can match with the same 5 or 6 people for like 5 games in a row?

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over 2 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by Sgrinfio

It's not supposed to be the elite, it's supposed to be fair for everyone who wants to play solo. If they are that bad, beat them and climb.

That's exactly right. The Diamond 4 requirement is more to ensure a decent level of experience first, not to only allow elites.