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Camille has been hit hard with nerfs after nerfs, targeting all of her abilities. Why?

At her peak, Camille was a powerful pick with:

  • Strong turret damage due to AA resets
  • Very strong splitpushing, as her low E cd made her almost uncatchable
  • Good tankiness when building bruiser items, with her passive shield
  • A very effective ganking tool with her ultimate
  • Strong dueling/damage and the ability to flee fights
  • Brilliant lockdown in coordinated play
  • Constant lane threat by spamming Q with no penalty

Camille's Fall

Being both a jungler and toplaner added to Camille's balancing troubles. A nerf on one role would likely impact the other. Riot didn't know how to balance her ganking in the jungle since she scaled very well, and their solution was to simply gut her clear in the hopes it would take far too long for her to reach level 5.

In the toplane, they chose to nerf essentially every aspect of her kit to cut down on her dueling potential. They targeted aspects of her kit which felt rewarding to use, especially her Q2 (now true damage proportion scales with level) and her W (weakened slow). However, they didn't stop there, nerfing the cooldown on her E if it was used to escape.

The problem with Camille

I believe old Camille was one of those champions that was too good in too many things. Instead of reducing the things she could do, Riot decided to nerf her in all of her aspects. However, the general consensus among Camille players seems to be that she feels unrewarding to play, and the core aspects of her kit (Q2 true damage, slow, hookshotting) don't feel the same.

I would like the core aspects of Camille's kit, namely her true damage and her nimbleness to be restored. Camille jungle should also be reinstated as a viable pick with different balancing methods to make her less oppressive.

However, reverting all of her nerfs would simply make her oppressive again. Thus, my suggestion is to cut down on her tankiness and waveclear for balancing. Camille should play like a precise and nimble assassin, not a lumbering bulldozer.

Changed - Stats

Base health reduced from 650-2330 to 590-2000.

Base armor reduced from 40-106 to 40-96.

Base AD increased from 58-122 to 64-136.

Mana reduced from 390-852 to 330-752.

This would bring her tanky stats to be below other bruisers, and the mana nerf is for another adjustment. The increase to her AD should bring back the strength of her assassination powers.

Passive - Adaptive Defences

Renamed to Adaptive Aggression

New: Now has a different effect depending on the target's Armor.

Attacking enemies above 50-100 armor (scaling with level) will grant a 20% max hp physical or magic damage shield for 3 seconds.

Attacking enemies below or equal to 50-100 armor will grant Camille 10-50 bonus AD for 4 seconds.

Cooldown of 20-6 seconds (scaling with level)

The adjustment here should enhance her assassination capabilities by swapping out the shield against squishy champions to kill them faster.

Q - Precision Protocol

Reverted: Second cast dealing 40-100% of its damage as true damage, scaling with level

AD ratio from 120/130/140/150% to 130/140/150/160%

New: Mana cost of 30/50/70/90 instead of 25 at all levels

New: Second cast deals 40/60/80/100% of its damage as true damage

New: The additional damage is 70% effective against minions

Reverting the true damage nerf will allow Camille to have maximum true damage at level 7 instead of level 13 (if Q is maxed first), while forcing her to max Q first. To manage her powerful first-item powerspike with Triforce or Sunderer, the mana cost has been raised so that she cannot spam it as a permanent threat in lane, and must make every usage count.

W - Tactical Sweep

Reverted: The slow from hitting enemies with the outer half decays over 2 seconds

Bonus max health damage of 4% at all levels instead of 4/5/6/7%

New: Now restores 50/55/60/65 mana when hitting an enemy champion, and double that on hitting a monster.

New: Does 70% damage to minions

This adjustment gives Camille back her slow and the adjustments to mana will allow her jungle clear to be unaffected by Q mana changes. It also encourages landing a W on enemy champions to both set up Q and conserve mana in lane.

Taking off her damage against champions and minions should alleviate some of the trading power and waveclear strength she had. She'll take longer to push a wave late game giving enemies appropriate time to respond to a splitpush.

E - Hookshot

Reverted: Landing a hookshot on monsters will not grant the attack speed increase

Reverted: Hitting an enemy champion refunds the cooldown by 5 seconds

Cooldown changed to 22/18/14/10 seconds

Stun now 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 seconds instead of 0.75 seconds at all levels

Camille now has the attack speed increase back for her jungling, and that nimbleness that felt extremely fun to play with late game.

Ult - Hextech Ultimatum

New: Cast range scales with level, now 250/400/550 units

This ability single-handedly made Camille's jungle unbalanceable. Riot went after its duration, its cooldown and then Camille's clear, but nothing could change the fact that it was a powerful ganking tool.

Camille was able to simply hookshot into a lane then cast her ultimate to guarantee a kill in most cases. By nerfing the cast range in this way, this becomes much much harder to do. She will either have to delay her ganks by cutting off the enemy, wait until her hookshot is off cooldown, or have to invest a Flash to land the ultimate.

By contrast, this nerf won't really affect her strength in the baron lane. Camille can still use her ult as a well-timed dodge or to set up ganks.

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over 1 year ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

The issue we have had with Camille is that she is HEAVILY skill skewed to the point where she can be pick/ban in pro/highest levels of play while also being one of the weakest champions for anyone outside of that top end skill bracket. This is why she has had to be nerfed, so that she doesn't always dominate top level play.

Everyone of her abilities has a meaningfully high skill component to it. This creates a lot of pressure to use each skill optimally, and adds alot of complexity that can't be accessed outside of that elite play. At some level this is core to the champion/kit, but we believe it doesn't need to be as extreme as it currently is. Because of this we have tried some stuff internally focused on lowering her skill floor, without drastically reshaping her abilities.