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about 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Various_Plan8469

I wonder if the repulser enchant works with yasou's ult. That will be really annoying.

It does not work with Yasuo's ulti or Samira's passive. Internal play tests sussed that one out real quick.

about 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by ilanf2

I must have missed it, expecting it to be on his W.

It seems Wild Rift finds it better for some things to be on the champions pasove rather than an ability. They did the same with Teemo and Vi.

We moved it, and added it to his passive we did this so that you can get the health stacking right away without putting your first point into his shield. In PC Sion tends to put his first point into his shield then max Q, this will make it slightly better for a more standard skill order.

about 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Intelligent-Curve-19

Can someone give more insight about the removal of shadow enchant. They said it was underwhelming in the video but I actually found it to be a useful situational item especially against champs like Akali or Eve or Rengar. When I think of underwhelming, I think of righteous glory. Couldn’t they just have added damage to the ghosts?

Shadows was never particularly popular, even when it was strong it was viewed as weak by the general player base, and this is echoed by its DRASTICALLY low pickrate. There are ways we could have made it stronger but the problem isn't to do with it's strength. It's more to do with its perceived power.

Giving it damage would give it more power (and thus we would need to nerf it in other areas) but it wouldn't really do much about its perceived power. It also changed the purpose of the item, and we don't want to do that.

There is also the case that if people don't interact with something, and we don't feel it is adding meaningfully to the system does it deserve its spot? Basically it's removal opens up space for new active items.

Glorious Enchant isn't the most exciting, and does have some overlap with Protobelt, but we see it as a bit different because of its duration vs the bust dash. Though I agree it could use some work, especially when compared to stasis in terms of appreciation.