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You died and the rest of the team is still fighting. I feel like everyone should have the courtesy to wait until the team fight is over to initiate the vote. It is hard enough to win a losing fight not to mention having this huge block pops up at usually where the enemy team is on the screen. Is it so hard for Riot to disallow this pop up in the middle of the fight (or redesign it so it is not that disruptive?)

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Hmmmm I agree we should just suppress surrender while you're in combat. Let me talk to the team about it.

over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by MerueMjr

And can we have small slogan/icon for double/triple kill, in team fights it covers middle of the team fight

We are looking at the amount of space/time announcements take up, agree they can be disruptive in team fights.

over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Annual_Protection959

What about an option to not be shown the surrender at all? I literally never surrender. Never once hit the green check mark. Like in game options in settings.

So I'm mostly in the never surrender camp myself when playing ranked. Especially when you're climbing, you're never really out of the fight until the nexus falls. If the enemy team screws up you can turn the game in one death timer. Those sweaty comebacks are some of my most memorable games.

I just don't think there are enough people that want to opt into that to justify spending time on the option. I think stuff like hiding surrender is better because it hits all players without them having to do anything. Just spitballing, but I think repeated surrenders from the same person are a better thing to look at. You don't need that one tilted person dragging down the mental of the rest of your team too. Sure you could turn off surrender for yourself, but if you've already got the grit to keep trying to win, the surrender you see isn't the problem. It's keeping the rest of your team mentally in the game to comeback with you.