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Hi all! If you remember last time the patch released 2 day early.. well they have done it again! Solari chargeblade Ability haste 25 > 15 True damage > magic damage

Source : https://twitter.com/itzstu4rt/status/1432619128494469120?s=21

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over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Sorry that this happened everyone, looks like we made a mistake again. Here is an overview of some of the key balance changes and where we were targeting.


Akshan (all elos)
Thresh (All elos)
Wukong (All elos, targeting the Baron lane)
Kennen (All elos)

Rakan (Due to power with Xayah)

Akali (All elos, targeting the Baron lane)
Gragas (Elite/tournament level)
Katarina (High elo)
Kha'Zix (High elo)
Master Yi (All elos)
Xin Zhao (All elos)
Soraka (All elos, mostly high elo)
Ahri (Bug fix, slight nerf)

Solari Chargeblade (Nerf)
Luden's Echo (Buff)
Awakened Soulstealer (Buff)
Liandry's Torment (Nerf)
Haunting Guise (Nerf)
Warmog's Armor (adjusted)

Font of Life (Nerf)

I'll try and stick around for a bit and answer some questions for a bit. Keep in mind I'm on the balance team and don't know/say much outside of that.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by AMR69g

Akali and Katarina are always banned no need to nerf them bro

That's a big part of why we wanted to bring them down a peg. They are both high frustration champions so we are looking for ways to tap down some of their frustrating aspects without removing who they are. We are looking at some follow-up changes if they end up still being needed.

Our hope is that we can keep them as viable champions, with a reasonable banrate for players who love them without totally gutting them and removing their ability to be assassins. Assassins by nature are highly frustrating to play against so this isn't an easy thing to do.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by John__Gotti

Thresh had bad statistic? Too glassy?))

Ya, he was released in a very weak state. We expected him to be slightly below average and he would quickly climb up as players learned how to play him. And while this did happen to some extent it hasn't been enough to make up the difference.

Some of these changes will also help him with the transition to Wild Rifts shorter game times. We are increasing the base soul drop rate, and recharge time of Flay's passive, this should help him see souls drop a bit more and not need to wait around so much in lane for a meaty hit.

There is some durability in there too.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Adept-Knowledge2020

Hi R0gue - about Katarina, Akali and other AP champions: I believe one of the reasons they are so strong is the Infinity Orb. In my opinion this item should be deleted and replaced by Night Harvester. AP champions causing "crit hit" to their abilities is toxic. Play as Katarina without him and see how little damage she does!

She definitely makes good use of the item, but I don't think we would want to delete it for the sake of a few champions who are tuned with it in mind.

You are right that her damage would go down without the item, but that is because it is an intended item for her. Its like saying that marksmen damage would drop if we removed IE, while this is true it might not be the best course of action if we were looking to nerf marksmen damage.

Another thing to note here is that on LoLPC assassins have access to Sorcerer's Shoes that give them magic pen. In Wild Rift we removed this from boots and instead made a full item, so if you are looking for magic pen you need to invest a bit more to get the stats you are looking for. This also means that mages are not as strongly bound to a particular boot, and instead get to choose their boots each game.

IO can be strong, and nerfing it is always on the table. The problem is that if we hit it too hard it no longer feels worth purchasing, and it effectively nerfs all champions who might buy IO. Maybe this can be a good thing, but hitting these champions directly means we don't need to adjust the item, and they are still nerfed even before they buy the IO.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by mq003at

/u/R0gueFool admit it, you intentionally released the patch 2 days early to analyze the player's feedback before making the changes, right? :D

Oh if only I had that kind of power =P. The changes have been reverted and without players knowing about the changes its hard to get feedback on them. Though I suspect we will be getting lots of feedback on the changes. I'm all for player feedback if you have thoughts to share.

We also need to lock changes much sooner and a day or two isn't enough time. Typically we soft lock changes about a week in advance but leave wiggle room incase something pops up. We need time to account for: testing, approval, QA, patch notes, translation, and making builds, and anything else that might pop up. And even before this patch goes live we are planning for the next one, it doesn't mean everything we plan will make it in, but it helps us react to things when we have such a quick patching cycle.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

Hey Rogue I have to ask, was the nerf warranted because of her banrate because if so as an Akali main I do appreciate the effort with trying to tune her down a bit to make her more playable in ranked and I do hope this nerf will finally make her settle down.

Ban rate is a big part of it for sure. Typically we see a high ban rate as a sign of high frustration when playing against a champion, though it can also indicate power or perceived power.

In the past Akali has been slightly weak (when looking at winrate), but recently has just crossed over into slightly strong (and decently strong in Baron Lane). So while these are aimed to reduce her ban rate we geared it more towards the Baron Lane because that is where she has been preforming the best.

We are toying with some follow up changes if her ban rate is still too high. The trick is hitting things that hit her frustration more than they hit her raw power, but yes we want to push her into a place where you can play your main more often.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by PublicRotation

I'm curious, what did Akali get nerfed on? ulti? base stats? passive? I'm also wondering, was the Liandry nerf also because of Kata/Akali? Since Liandry is a core item for both of them, so I suppose it got nerfed as a way to nerf Kata/Akali too?

(P) Assassin’s Mark Movement speed :: decreased from 50% >>> 30% Base damage :: decreased from 40-180 >>> 28-140

Her passive, we are primarily aiming to target frustration and Baron Lane power.

Liandry/Haunting Guise is partly to do with Akali and Kat, but really the item has been a bit strong on all of its users. So while Akali/Kat fall into that, it isn't just because of them. Basically a 10% damage amp is strong when you give it to anyone.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by thatwasaheadshot

I do hope those changes wouldn't affect her mechanics such casting abilities during her E2 and such, if anything more changes that would increase her skill cap are even more welcome on my part honestly this would make her less spammable and pretty much only rewarding to players who invest time in her to learn her.

Ya these shouldn't change her mechanics. We are hitting her passive MS and damage. Experienced Akali players should still feel good about mastering her.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by PublicRotation

Thanks for the quick response! I agree Liandry was a bit too strong. I'm used to build it as a first item because of how strong it is. I'm wondering how that nerf to Akali's passive will affect her. I hope she won't be as banned anymore, although I thought the issue was actually with her 2nd skill and the ulti

I have one more question, what did Kata get nerfed on? also is she really that strong in high elo? I know she wrecks on low elo because people don't know how to play agaisnt her but I thought she falls on high elo play. At least that's what my OTP Kata friend told me.

Kat has actually been much strong in higher elo, and rather weak in low elos. People tend to think she is stronger in low elo because she is "easy to counter" and tend to forget that an experienced Kat player knows to watch for those counters and knows how to play around them, while also knowing how to pilot a mechanically challenging champion.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by John__Gotti

One more question. I know you do not like such questions, but here on the topic.

Nerf Liandri is one more ASol nerf. How dare you? 😁

I'm sure you're considering that item jade can be nerfed to certain champions. So, you deliberately nerfed Aurelion in patch 2.4b?

Despite reddit player's feedback, Asol has actually been one of our strongest champions each patch for the last year. His play style just isn't as broadly appealing or flashy so not as many players are drawn to him, though his theme/fantasy are broadly appealing so he only tends to be popular when he is CRAZY OP, instead of just OP. This is what makes him so challenging to work on.

If Asol and others end up needing some love after these changes they'll get it, but given that Liandry's champions where very strong with this item I expect they should still be fine.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by mq003at

I have a question: I am at Diamond+ elo and I can see Rammus has like 53%. Imo, he deserves a nerf since he doesn't need much skill to perform well and still has that high win rate.

Also, when will you add more items for AD assassins? Umbral is situational items and I really don't want to mix defensive items in my build. I understand that the game snowball really quickly so I just want to ask for more options for high-cost AD assassin items. Will that be possible?

Edit: Essence Reaver > Youmuu Ghostblade. Why?

Rammus is a tricky one. I agree he is actually very strong (53/54% depending on elo). But he isn't as flashy/frustrating/with as much solo carry potential as many other champions so players tend to undervalue him. Nothing for him in this patch, but we are keeping an eye on him to see how he preforms.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Adept-Knowledge2020

About the mythic items here at WR - are you still thinking of implementing it or is it too early for that? plan to bring some of them as a legendary item here (like you did with Sunfire?). Another question: any buffs for MF or Jhin? I feel that both are way below expectations - the traps do little damage and slow down - while with the MF I feel that your attack speed is very low and your ult's waves of fire are slow or very few!

Both MF and Jhin are doing generally fine, but they tend to be a bit more team reliant. If you pair them with a bit of protection/lock down they can do crazy thing for sure. The nerfs to Chargeblade will also help them a bit as it will be nerfing many marksmen, and others will climb as a result.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by PublicRotation

Thanks again for the response, also thanks for mentioning what you guys were aiming for when adjusting champions (Like high elo, all elos, etc) it's something that's very refreshing and something that would be helpful if it was mentioned in the patch notes.

I'm looking forward to the patch, hopefully I can play Akali again!!

Here's hoping, unless you're playing against me. Then I would prefer you don't play your main, deal?

over 3 years ago - /u/draggles - Direct link

Originally posted by w1ckedzocki

Can we get someone from riot answering why this happens again?

There is so much silence around the patches and the patch notes it’s annoying


Seems like the patch got reverted right now. Got another update (around 25mb) and I have the old charge blade values again

Sure, I can take a stab at it. There was a release making some behind-the-scenes adjustments to normal game matchmaking that mistakenly pushed the balance patch out early. It is very unfortunate that it happened twice in a row, I totally agree. As it happened around 1-2am LA time, it required the EU and Southeast Asia teams to wake up and notify the engineers to roll the patch back.

Patch notes are scheduled to come out at a specific time every two weeks. We do this because we support around 20 languages in WR, and don't want to give any specific language early access. Earlier on in WR's development, we got a bunch of feedback that the notes were too early before and ended up confusing players, so we pushed them to be closer to the release timing (around 7pm LA time). Sometimes, articles do slip out early, almost entirely down to human error.

Minor patches (2.4a, 2.4b) tend to come out roughly the same time every two weeks, and the patch notes come shortly beforehand. These patches don't require approvals by Google, Apple and Samsung, as they're just numerical tweaks and occasionally small content or code changes.

Major patches (2.3, 2.4 etc) are a little more fluid, timing wise, but we push the button around 5pm LA time. Ultimately, it's at the behest of the 3rd party platforms to distribute the new build, though - for some it can take up to 2 hours across the world.

So for this one, it sucks, I agree. It's never our intention to push out major changes without communicating them, and it's something I hold our team to a pretty high expectation on.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by wildriftislife

Hey please put 5 team bans most of the time both team ban same champion and I don't like it its just waste of ban...... Or make both team bans like pro play in pc.

Can we see what enmey will ban will be good so no 1 ban slot wasted.

We're working our way to up 5 bans per team. We started with 3 due to the size of the Wild Rift roster, but it will grow as we add more champions.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by PublicRotation

Haha, my main is actually Pantheon (whom I find very balanced atm, don't nerf my boy ever kty) but my 2nd most played champion is Akali, I use her when I want to spice things up a bit since I find her playstyle to be very enjoyable. But yeah, you got a deal if we ever meet in ranked :d

O.o I have wanted to get better at Pantheon (Baron and mid lane mostly), got any tips?

I haven't looked at data on this, but have you tried crit Pantheon at all? I feel like ER, IE, Quickblades, and Shiv(?), have been a lot of fun and makes your empowered 2 really strong. Though I haven't played it enough (or at all in ranked) to have a good read on it.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by wildriftislife

Thx Rogue for replying you my fav wild rift dev <

Thanks, but the whole team works really hard on these changes and I'm just the one who needs attention the most =P.

over 3 years ago - /u/draggles - Direct link

Originally posted by Fuzzy_Yogurt_Bucket

Need to push that shiny big red “push patch to live” button under glass. Seems to be a bit too tempting to press.

it's more like they fatfingered the big red button while trying to press a medium sized green button

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by mq003at

High banrate means the champ is too OP, or too annoying.

Atm, Akali has 47.55% WR, so I am pretty sure her kit is just annoying (imho, Zed and Irelia are more annoying than her so I am not sure why people keep banning her). Nerfing her to make the ban rate goes lower may become a good strategy, but it will not be good in the long run. I really don't want to see any champions sitting at 45% WR like the PC version.

You are right though it's a tight rope to walk, we don't want anyone sitting that low. Currently, Akali is sitting right around 50% so she has a bit of room to drop before we hit that point. But bringing down her frustration is the primary goal here.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by DianaOTP330

Why do akali and katarina get nerfed, which require a decent amount of skill, but Champions that are stomping games for a while now with about 0 skill required like rammus, tank garen, master yi or jax get buffed or remain unchanged ? Ok yi gets nerfed... also Banshees veil when?

Master Yi (everywhere) and Jax (everywhere, but mostly in the Baron lane) had been under preforming for a bit (at all elos) so we wanted to give them some buffs. We over shot it a bit with Master Yi in this last patch, hence the nerfs in this patch.

Yi has only recently become strong after last patch, and we are nerfing him in the very next patch (this one), so I'd say he hasn't been stomping games for too long, just recently.

Tank Garen was in a similar situation. If I remember right (I could be wrong) he started popping up right at the tail end of a patch after the next patch had been locked but he was nerfed as soon as we got a chance.

Rammus is a special case in that I have been saying he is strong for a while now, but he isn't seen as nearly as frustrating as many others. I also wouldn't say we have sat on him, he has popped up in the patch notes a few times. This is where things like pickrate play a role as champions with a smaller playerbase tend to have a higher winrate. We also want to account for how much of an impact they are having. As a made up extreme example Jax in the Dragon lane might have a crazy high winrate, but only a handful of games and we wouldn't want to nerf him because the sample size is so low.

Tanks also tend to have a higher winrate because they are a sign that a team is taking team comp into account, I don't have an exact number for this but I'd be willing to bet that just having a tank on your team gives you a +5% increased chance of winning the game. Obviously other factors come into play, but a team of carries might make flashy plays but they don't have the tools they need to win every game.

Skill is a factor we take into account, and it helps us target balance changes for different elo ranges, but like any champion they get buffed and nerfed as needed. Thresh as an example requires a bit of skill and he is getting buffed in this same patch.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Opel

I really don’t think Katarina deserved a nerf, she’s been struggling so much more since her last few. She’s incredibly overrated and Katarina players have also been frustrated and struggling in High elo. The number of top 100 Katarinas dropping by more than 80% says a lot… and the haunting guise nerfs already hit her since she doesn’t build Ludens. Akali struggles a lot more in most elos than people believe (or want to believe), but in the end is still a very strong champion in the right hands and her constant pick/ban in pro play in all regions is a testament to that.… so at least her nerf makes some sense.

I don’t know. Balancing around placating general irrationality sounds like an awful idea. I hope it was a soft nerf... and I’m saying that as someone who struggles with Kat as a support main that one tricks a support with no cc to shut her down.

Oh, and thanks for the post!

Its a soft nerf for sure, actually something I think you had suggested in previous discussions about Kat =P. However Kat hasn't been struggling at higher elos, that's actually where she preforms the best. She is a highly skilled champion and it turns out highly skilled players can take advantage of that.

Your right that she doesn't benefit from many of the other AP item buffs but the goal is to nerf her at high skilled play and lower her frustration, so it feels warranted. As always though we have follow up patches and if she ends up being too weak/strong we can respond.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Opel

As always though we have follow up patches and if she ends up being too weak/strong we can respond.

True, I forget about that sometimes haha

I don’t know, I run into the same names that used to absolutely destroy me in the past. Not only are the usually not challenger anymore, but when we carefully save cc for her, Kat becomes a non-factor in my games these days with the proper team comp… the only time she ever performs is as a last pick into our poorly built team comp with no cc and squishy. I feel like the counterplay and awareness of what Kat does is so much higher in high elos, and shutting her down is so much easier than old Kat which one slip up she wipes our entire team and snowballs out of control.

Perhaps it’s not fair that I’m comparing the current iteration to what was once regarded by most as the strongest champion in the game though.

It is worth noting that those same Kat players know to watch for what can stop them and get to choose when they go in. So it is a bit of a dance of who can get better first.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Opel

haha I know, I understand that dance as a former kat one trick on PC.

I’m going to branch into anecdote. But the kat OTPS/mains I ran into many times in West Coast challenger were like Mali Uwu, Kyle, Hoon, Vex, Asamii, 4 character Taiwanese dude, and Bestplayer1. Hoon and Asamii have dropped her entirely, bestplayer1 is d1 now and rarely plays (i think swapped to Akali), TW1 is playing mostly other champs now (albeit possibly for tourney reasons), Kyle plays Kat occasionally still but hasnt reached challenger and doesn’t do well into me anymore when he is on Kat. Vex is like the last true Kat OTP and hes still working his way through GM. Idk, for me it feels like hitting an already dying breed lol..

going back off narratives, I just checked. there isn’t a single kat main in challenger anymore. there was once nearly thirty.

Id also caution when using diamond or masters, perhaps even GM as a sign of high elo. Theres a far bigger percentage of players in masters+ than in PC, due to the emptiness of low ranks like bronze and silver. There are very large skill gaps amongst masters+ players despite people sharing the same few rank titles. Often, seeing the top 200 players and what they play is a good indication of what champions (and even roles) is strong

Its very possible those players have jumped off of Kat due to her high ban rate. Its also a very small sample size from a single region of players that you notice. Its not to say its nothing, the highest levels of play will always have a small playerbase but that it is still a small data set.

When I say high elo I'm not referring to a players in any particular tier, but rather their elo and percentage of the playerbase.

Lets say these changes reduce Kat's ban rate, they then get to play this champion some more, she'll be a bit weaker and IDEALLY they get to keep playing a champion they love.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by OhItsMeSnow

Noooo don’t nerf the rolling ball of fun. My 2 cents on why his wr is higher. He is such a situational champ(versus ad champs) and thats why people tend to pick him to punish enemy comps when they go for 4 ad or full ad teams. If the enemy picks out a more balanced team, sure the effects of rammus won’t be as severe.

To be clear there are no nerfs to Rammus in this patch. I simply am pointing out that he is likely the most undervalued champion in Wild Rift.

He is going to be strong into full AD teams for sure, but he is far from bad in more balanced team comps.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Opel

good points haha, let's see how it affects her. didn't even consider bans. ban rate will take some time to catch up to changes in strength, people's perceptions on power change slower than the power itself

may I ask what the rationale was behind Soraka nerfs? I personally felt like she wasn't a problem especially with grievous wounds and proper focus - Nami is almost universally regarded as the strongest enchanter in high elo.

Oh ya I was going to respond to that other post =P.

Basically I over did it with the Soraka buffs, she jumped up in power, but she won't be gutted by these nerf, and I expect she'll land in a fine spot. Nami is a touch strong too, and I wouldn't be surprised to see her popping up in the patch notes (not hinting at anything, just a my personal take).

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Font of Life isn't give him Singed much survivability when it goes to split pushing regardless of map size. It could even be argued that on a smaller map it's even more likely that an ally procs it and heals Singed.

Liandrys will hurt Singed, but he, like all core Liandrys users, have been over preforming for a while. I wouldn't say he is in a rough spot, just harder to play given his unique playstyle. If you understand that style you tend to do really well with him.

over 3 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Collin_1221

Hello, could you take a look at Font of Life and Ardent Censer interaction on Singed. This hasn't worked on Singed since Font of Life was updated, I thought it was removed but it seems this may be a bug since in another post you said the interaction should still work.

Thanks from a Singed main :)

What interaction are you referring to? I just tested FoL+Ardent Censer Singed on live and was able to get the bonus AS whenever an ally proced the heal.