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I've played a couple matches recently with arrogant junglers who think they can 1v5.

In one match, our Master Yi was feeding early game and receiving flak for it. I started helping him out as Lulu, and he soon accumulated the most kills on the team, so I decided to stick with him and buff him. He ended up getting close to 20 kills, but by then, we all had died a lot, too. He started trash-talking his own team, saying things like, "You were saying how bad I was?" and then calling everyone else trash was (despite everyone having done well early game but suffering later from his feeding the enemy). He completely disregarded the fact that he was only doing so well because I kept buffing him and using my ult on him. This was evident later when he decided he could take on the entire enemy team alone, and of course died.

In yet another match, our Olaf was the only one doing decently, so, again as Lulu, I decided to focus on helping him out the most. This allowed him to earn a couple triple kills, and then he started to get a big head. He grew reckless and tried to split push and take on the entire enemy team alone. He demanded that I ult only him (which is what I had already been doing for some time, but I guess, like everything else, a support's influence goes mostly unnoticed and unappreciated), which I agreed to if he would group. Regardless, I stuck with him as he did his own thing, and he got more kills. Late game, we went to take the elder dragon (at a very inauspicious time), and I went to ward the bush nearby, but the entire 5 enemy players were camped there, so I died instantly. Olaf got pissed and requested that everyone report me, despite having over 20 assists by this point. Our mid player had fed the enemy mid, though throughout the game, so they were rocking us. In the end, we lost, and Olaf proclaimed himself the sole good player on the team, ignoring my and everyone else's efforts.

In short, just acknowledge that you're being helped. You may be the one out there getting all the kills. But look at who has all the assists, too. You're not alone. You're not singlehandedly destroying the enemy. Much of the time, you're barely alive, but you're intentionally being kept from the brink to land those kills before you can be killed yourself.

Edit: Forgot to mention this is in Diamond rank, in case anyone would find that relevant.

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over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by RazorNemesis

The vision system is weak, although all roles should help, this is traditionally a big part of the support role

Very much this. u/r0guefool said in an eariler thread that the devs don't want vision to be only the support's job and want it to be a team effort (or something on those lines), but that also means that you have less individual agency to play around vision compared to League PC (from what I can tell from esports at least, I don't actually play the game myself).

The only real vision-related item is umbral glaive, which isn't viable on like 90% of champs because of the stats, and we have no vision-related runes like zombie ward or ghost poro. (We are missing blue trinket and control wards too, but that's understandable imo). That makes it so even if you wanted to control vision, you're very limited in your options, in addition to being punished by missing out on gold and xp.

Yep, this is still true. We don't think players should think of vision as primarily the support's responsibility, nor supports thinking of vision as something they must understand more than the rest of their team.