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Almost every single game i have played in the last 2 days, 1 side or the other has someone trolling.

The team who gets the troll almost always loses because of it, but because of riots sh*tty detection system, nothing ever happens about it.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by jlozada24

It feels the same in GM now for the past 2 weeks. It’s nuts! Also there’s this guy that always ragequits and sells all his items and sits at base and I get him so often. I always report him but they won’t ban him. I ended up adding him to make sure he’s in game when I queue. You can even see it in his match history. He does it ALL THE TIME

DM me their player info, we know that our detection is not going to function well at GM level because the players are really good and can exploit any mistake so it can be very difficult to identify intentional losing vs just getting beat with the same signals we use at the silver/gold/plat/emerald level. We can use them as an example if we look at improving our detection at higher ranks