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Hi, so I have been a PC LoL player for years and interested in wild rift but I had some issues with camera controls, the issue is that to be able to look around the map we would perhaps need to hold and drag on one half of the screen while also being able to tap and aim with the abilities, thats an issue especially with long-range champions, the issue is that even if I manage to do that the game camera is jittery when this happens, it feels unstable and can lead to some undesirable moments for everyone.

What advice could you give to address the issue?


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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

I turn on semi locked camera so I can push the camera towards the action and have it stay offset from my champion (similar to the offset camera we have in league). I also use my index/2nd finger to navigate the camera on the minimap. It takes a bit of practice, but I don't find it jittery. Also useful for aiming long range ults, you can use the minimap to pan the camera and then when you aim your ult it happens within the camera view so it's more accurate than aiming without moving the camera across the map.