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Just played a few ranked matches and kept wondering why I didn't have enough gold for Solari Chargeblade and noticed price changed.

I just don't get how game can be updated without giving us patch notes first?

Update from riot https://twitter.com/draggles/status/1427533330078076928?s=21

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/wav3break - Direct link

This is definitely not our intent. I’ll follow up tomorrow to see if we can get notes out faster to offset some of the pain.

Edit: Quick summary without too many details since it’s a bit late for me:

Nerfs: - Essence Reaver - Chargeblade - Deathcap - Needlessly Large Rod - Lucian - Fizz - Camille - Annie - Rengar - Corki - Graves

Buffs: - Bloodthirster - Soraka - Master Yi - Jax (lane focused) - Blitzcrank - Akshan - Dr. Mundo - Seraphine (minor bug fix with Rylais)

Neutral: - Rammus (clear speed up, damage+ MR down)