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Got a guy in champ select straight up said that he is trolling and that we don’t deserve to win. Goes exhaust smite Lee sin and runs it into every single lane. So I get a free loss and all Riot can offer is a measly 40 points? Not a fair trade if you ask me. Also implement a honor system where if you fall below a certain level you can’t play ranked. Basically be better at punishing trolls and be better at compensating the players.

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over 1 year ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditRevenant

Yeah i agree with punishing Afkers but why are they worse than someone who is actively ruining the game. At least with an AFK isn’t giving the enemy gold and taking your gold. Again hate both.

They're not worse, AFKs were just the quickest one to add loss compensation to because they are evaluated in real-time. Intentional feeding takes longer to determine so we have do build different delayed messaging and can't tell you right as the game ends as we do with AFK. We're actively working on it.

over 1 year ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditRevenant

Makes sense. Didn’t mean to come off as if you guys prefer one over the other. Just feels that way when I got compensation for an afk it was 60 points. When I got compensation for another guy who went malphite and went down mid 20 times I got 40. So the system recognized the 2 cases and gave compensation.

Hmmmm if you're at the same rank, it should give you the same compensation... Although it is a good point to consider that we could penalize intentional losing more seriously and give y'all more points.

over 1 year ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Niante

I mean, someone doing either on your team is almost always going to result in a loss, so I've never understood not just throwing that game out, rank-wise. Like, we already got punished by having our time wasted on what is almost guaranteed to be a really lame experience, as well as the frustration that comes with it. How could a small fraction of the points required for one loss shield ever be appropriate compensation?

The unfortunate problem is the potential for gaming the system if we did that. Losing a game? Make someone AFK or intentional feed so the rest of the team doesn't pay. So we need to penalize that player enough to disincentivize gaming the system and not make compensation too big. Example: the obvious bad idea is if someone intentionally feeds all the other players in the game get a win on both teams. That's pretty ripe for abuse. We could give a loss shield as suggested, and we'd need to penalize the offending player more to compensate which might be too overboard. So we've been conservative on the compensation we provide out of the gate. It's something we can look at changing in the future now that the system has been active and not causing problems.