I really think that players should question those tier lists and gameplays they see on YouTube.
I have nothing against tier lists. I am grateful to all the YouTubers who take their time and dedicate it to create something valuable for players. But I am too concerned the players exaggerate the information they receive. If a champion somehow ended up in those S, S+, S++ and so on tiers, it doesn't mean that the champion guarantees a win. This is absurd, and here is why.
Those tiers lists represent how a champion performs when it is played by an average player. Which itself means, that champion which is S tier could perform better than S++ champions, if they are played by good players(those who are above average). But also they could be played horribly by those who are below average.
An example: I usually play Ahri, because I really like her kit. She is A tier champion according to most of the tier lists. But I perform much better then enemy mid laner who abuses meta. So I could say that for me this champion is S tier. Maybe I am exaggerating the champion's or my potential, but this is what I believe is true.
Secondly, I should remind you that this is a team dependent game. This is not Mobile Legends, where you take an assassin, go 1v5 and get a pentakill (or whatever they call it). Here, in Wild Rift, teamwork is also the META (for those who don't know, META actually stands for Most Effective Tactic Available), not only the champions. So even if you take S++ champions, please don't expect some crazy results if you are not willing to pay attention to the game.
While tier lists are somewhat useful, I think gameplay videos are real reason behind the "META" abuse. I am not trying to criticize some of the content creators, but I do think that clickbaity "S+++++++++, God Tier, Super Galactic Power tier champion" gameplays are horrible idea.Youtubers, at least popular ones, are way beyond average players. They could take Blitz jungle and perform much better than I do with K6, Lee Sin or any of those OP junglers. And I understand this. So I don't blindly trust the gameplay and try to repeat the same thing in RANKED. First I will try the champ in AI game, then in PVP and then in ranked. But it seems like not all players are willing to waste so much time on training champion. After those "Jarvan IV OP" videos, I see him in almost every single match. And none of them are good. The worst thing is that, this is happening in low Diamond rank. I have no idea what is the experience in lower ranks.
So if you are one of the players I described, please don't feel offended. Just please don't overrate the power of High Tier champions and, most importantly, play whichever champion you like.
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