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Hi, thanks for the input. Don't you believe its an option worth giving though? It'd definitely make certain situations (like teamfights) a lot less chaotic to approach as you have total control of your camera and still have both fingers available to move/aim skillshots.
I'd love a little toggle next to a recentre button in the top right, as I already mentioned. It may be not intuitive but it could definitely be a tool to allow even more skill expression.
Having said this have you considered adding a "smooth camera" option? When I pan the camera and observe a specific area my screen ends up twitching a lot. Might be my finger not being the steadiest but it'd be great to have some stabilization (or the option to have it).
Congrats on the controls and the settings btw, so much customization and everything fits great on a mobile screen!
Thanks, it means a lot to hear people enjoy what you are working on.
Settings are a tricky thing as much as I would love to have a settings option for everything settings tend to be VERY rarely used, so we tend to want to focus on things being global changes. And we don't want settings changes to feel mandatory, or like you can't do X without changing them. Plus each setting we do add reduces the discoverability of all settings.
My personal concerns here would be
1) It could become mandatory at higher levels of play.
2) it doesn't feel intuitive to "lock" your camera at a location and move around at another location.
3) if not mandatory it becomes a HIGHLY specific setting that will see very little use.
4) the game was designed with the current camera in mind and all our designs are done with that in mind, and we feel we can make a great experience without changing this.
As a note on settings, the On Button Down was going to ship as a global change but we got a bit worried about not being able to learn your ability ranges. It then, due to a bug, shipped on by default and we decided to just leave it because constant swapping multiple times would be painful for players.
We do agree that moving the camera can be a bit awkward, especially when trying to move your champion, and have some things in the works that I hope should help, I'll bring up your thoughts about changes to help smooth the camera when moving it and see what we can do. My gut reaction is to say that we want to be able to make micro adjustments because often you are moving the camera to aim your ability. But we'll see where it goes.