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A teammate just trolled because I killed minions with Relic Shield's passive. I explained that if I have charges, we both earn the minion's gold, but he just ignored me lol. GM elo btw.

Edit: Just a reminder

Spectral Sickles = orange charges. Poke enemies and hit turrets

Relic Shield = blue charges. Kill minions

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

If y'all got suggestions for how to make the bonus gold more obvious I'm here for it! Also for Pyke ultimate. Keep in mind there's bound to be some confusion in people's first games, so we were trying not to overdo feedback since something too loud could get annoying later in the season after people have figured it out. However we don't want players to be frustrated by supports taking minions because they don't understand the mechanic.