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Is there an AFK indicator during gameplay? It seems like there are many times when I suspect someone is AFK but am not positive. If I knew they were AFK I would avoid responding to their actions.

Both in Ranked and PvP I’ve had games where it feels like RIOT is hiding the afk-er. Clearly gone for extended periods, yet not picked up on afk detection. No notification that they’ve disconnected. No option for a bot. Yet missing from surrender vote or at the fountain for an extended period.

I just want to look at the scoreboard and see who in my team is afk at the moment. There’s almost always someone.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

We tell you in the chat box when we detect that someone has genuinely disconnected (i.e. game has lost connection to them). However depending on what has happened we may not always know that for sure and there is a delay before we notify you so we don't spam you when someone is intermittently disconnecting.

In most games we actually do a silent bot takeover so you don't have to ask for it. Generally we've seen it's better for your winrate to have a bot vs being 4v5. This only happens after you've gotten that disconnect message above. It's possible there are cases where there is a disconnect here and a bot should have taken over and is not? Lemme raise some visibility on that internally.

However, we have a separate system that looks for "non-participation". Unfortunately in these cases we can't let a bot take over. Think someone running around the fountain doing nothing or being connected and just sitting idle. The player is still "there" so we it doesn't make sense to have a bot takeover. This is something we'd like to discourage in the future. In both cases we do assess AFK penalties after the game.

almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Anti-gen

The other day I had to disconnect because the game was freezing and I recalled to do that fast and then I openend the game again and I was just arriving in lane. Is that part of the system? Because that was pretty cool as I managed to not lose anything during my disconnect.

Yes, likely a bot had briefly taken over for you. First when we detect a disconnect we walk you back under your tower to keep you safe. Then after a brief delay we return you to base. A bot starts taking over after until you return.

almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by kwen-zev

Woah do you work for riot? I didn’t realize riot employees were on here.

Yes, on the subreddit Riot employees get approved by the mods to have the red fist logo flairs. I don't post that often, but lots of us review posts on the subreddit.