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I hope someone of wild rift team that usually answer some post see this, you have to do something with this people, you can't allow people that goes intentional out of the way to troll and ruin others 4 people match just because their fragile ego has been scratched,there have to be consequences for this actions, grow some balls and stop the beta bullsh*t excuse and start permabanning accounts, stop protecting them with your trash politics of not telling us the result of our reports, it smells just placebo effect and I believe you don't do sh*t about them,just let the bot system to ban chat and that's it

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over 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Yes, we've got stuff on the way to start addressing some of these pain points and you won't have to wait for a new patch as it's all done through the backend. For example, our AFK system is not great at detecting players who aren't genuinely disconnected and we're going to improve this. It'll still take some time as we've got to make sure the systems are accurate through manual review :( Intentional feeding is also a priority for us to address, but it will be a while before you see results.