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So what needs to happen to get the remake option? I've had teams I've played against access it and cancel the game, but I've had numerous games where someone has been AFK since champ selection, doesn't leave fountain at all and all I get is extra LP, a loss, and rank drop. Is it bc I still have idiot teammates who troll and don't surrender when it's first available bc that has happened. If that's the case then I still get F'ed?

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

If you can DM me info (playername#tag, date/time of game, who you played, and who was AFK) we can look into it. We are seeing reports that remake is not triggering when it seems like it should and we're looking for examples of that happening.

over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Swimming_Leading674

Ok, how do you DM?

Oh, ok, I sent you one that you can reply to. Should be a mail icon at the top right of the reddit page.