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I am a GM playing fill on the EUW and SEA server currently. This guide is aimed aimed at supports as I feel that the playerbase for supports is currently inflated due to many supports only playing in premades. I hope this guide on wave management will be useful not only to supports but other players who have yet to learn about this aspect of the game.

With the upcoming addition of support specific starting items next patch (relic shield and spectral sickle) riot is finally allowing you to last hit minions without stealing your ADC’s gold.

—New sup items—

How will these items work? Relic shield gives you 3 procs that will execute minions from 50% Hp (melee) and 30% Hp (ranged) when you are near an ally, granting both you and your nearest ally the gold from that minion. You will generally want to save a proc for the cannons as they give the most gold.

Spectral sickle is a poking item which is good on supports like Senna. You will get 3 procs that will grant you gold from hitting your opponents.

Both these items will upgrade into a warding item once you complete a quest earning X gold from using the procs.

—Supports and wave management—

In the current patch without those items, Iron to Grand Master elo, occasionally there will be a support that likes to last hit all minions. Don’t be that guy. Champions like senna are actively punished by last hitting as it affects your soul drop rate. If you find yourself getting too good at stealing minions, swap over to jungle and steal barons.

You are generally allowed to touch the wave as long as you don’t last hit, or if the adc plans to manipulate the wave.

What do I mean by manipulate the wave?

=Slow push=

If you see your adc not touching the wave and only going for last hits, he is likely trying to let the wave come closer to your side of the map. This is a slow push towards you. This can be used to: 1) freeze the wave under your tower 2) deny enemy cs 3) if you are already winning lane you can walk up behind the wave to zone your opponents off exp

Similarly, if your adc is not clearing the whole wave and letting your own waves stack up slowly, this is a slow push towards the enemy. This can be used to: 1)prevent ganks, at early stages of the game a big stack of 2.5 waves can help you win a 2v3 2) force enemy to stay in lane and farm so you can move to dragon or recall

When slow pushing towards the enemy you want to make sure the minions attack the enemy tower and “crash into tower” this will prevent the enemy from freezing your wave.


Freezes can be set up if one wave is stronger than the other. This will happen if either side holds a wave near tower with the opposing wave having either 4 caster minions more, or 1 cannon and 1 caster more. Freezing under your tower allows you to: 1) receive easy ganks 2) deny cs and exp

If your enemy freezes a wave, hard shove the wave so it crashes into tower and resets. If the crashed wave is not killed by the tower before a new wave arrives, it will result in a slow push back to you, otherwise the waves will just meet back in the middle.


As a support, this is perhaps the one technique you need to know right. If you have just won a 2v2 and need to recall, as a support you should be helping to hit the wave with all abilities. Try your best to not last hit, especially cannon. But do not waste time when you’re shoving, it’s ok to take minions if the next wave is coming. To properly shove a wave, you need to make your minions crash into the tower. Benefits: 1. Wave will slow push back to you, giving you control of the lane when you come back. 2. crashed minions will die in tower (hopefully before enemies come back) denying gold and exp.

—Why is this important?— Support is the role most similar to Jungle. You need to understand how the wave is going to behave in order to impact the map properly. You should be looking at mid, seeing that the wave is going to slow push towards your side of the map in 1-2 waves time, and try to be there to help your mid lane get a kill. Unless you are yuumi. The more you understand your role, the less you will be stealing minions and kills complaining about your 0/2/4 adc as a 4 kill seraphine.

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by gheycub

There is a lot of great information on here, however according to what I’ve found on the CN Server PBE, the two new support starting items DO NOT function entirely like they do on PC League, NOR do they upgrade into warding items like originally announced on the Patch 3.4 Preview video.

This info might not be entirely correct because of my translation skills, but…

The first new support item is intended for poke/damage supports and enchanters:

Spectral Sickle:

  • Cost: 500 Gold
  • Adaptive: Gain 6 AD or 12 AP (Adaptive)
  • Tribute: When there is an allied champion nearby, damaging an enemy champion or turret with abilities or basic attacks consume a stack and grant you 30 gold. These effects gain a stack every 10 seconds (up to a maximum of 3 stacks). In addition, gold obtained from killing minions and monsters is reduced by 50%. Nearby minions that are not killed by allied champions provide 100% extra gold. Also, gain 1 extra gold every 3 seconds.
  • Quest: Use this item to earn 500 gold, after which it will be upgraded into Harrowing Crescent

Harrowing Crescent:

  • Cost: Unknown, but I think it’s an automatic upgrade once you earn the bonus 500 gold from Spectral Sickle. It will only upgrade out of combat after a short duration.
  • Adaptive: Gain 12 AD or 24 AP (Adaptive)
  • Gain +5 Ability Haste
  • Tribute: When there is an allied champion nearby, damaging an enemy champion or turret with abilities or basic attacks consume a stack and grant you 30 gold. These effects gains stack every 10 seconds (up to a maximum of 3 stacks). In addition, gold obtained from killing minions and monsters is reduced by 50%. Nearby minions that are not killed by allied champions provide 100% extra gold. Also, gain 1 extra gold every 3 seconds.
  • Quest: Use this item to earn 500 gold, after which it will be upgraded into Black Mist Scythe

Black Mist Scythe:

  • Cost: Unknown, but I think it’s an automatic upgrade once you earn the bonus 500 gold from Harrowing Crescent. It will only upgrade out of combat after a short duration.
  • Adaptive: Gain 20 AD or 40 AP (Adaptive)
  • Gain +10 Ability Haste
  • Tribute: Gain 2 extra gold every 3 seconds
  • Champion Spellcraft: Takedowns (kills or assists) restore 40% of your boot enchantment’s total cooldown.

The second new support item is intended for tanks:

Relic Shield:

  • Cost: 500 Gold
  • Gain +100 Max Health
  • Loot: When there is an allied champion nearby, abilities or basic attacks consume a stack to execute minions below 50% of their maximum health (30% for ranged champions). Killing minions grants 125% gold to you, 100% gold to your nearest allied champion, and restores 5-30 health for you. These effects gain a stack every 20 seconds (up to a maximum of 3 stacks). In addition, gold obtained from killing minions and monsters is reduced by 50%. Nearby minions that are not killed by allies give 100% extra gold. Also, gain 1 extra gold every 3 seconds.
  • Quest: Use this item to earn 500 gold, after which is will be upgraded into Targon’s Buckler.

Targon’s Buckler:

  • Cost: Unknown, but I think it’s an automatic upgrade once you earn the bonus 500 gold from Relic Shield. It will only upgrade out of combat after a short duration.
  • Gain +150 Max Health
  • Gain +5 Ability Haste
  • Loot: When there is an allied champion nearby, abilities or basic attacks consume a stack to execute minions below 50% of their maximum health (30% for ranged champions). Killing minions grants 125% gold to you, 100% gold to your nearest allied champion, and restores 5-30 health for you. These effects gain a stack every 20 seconds (up to a maximum of 3 stacks). In addition, gold obtained from killing minions and monsters is reduced by 50%. Nearby minions that are not killed by allies give 100% extra gold. Also, gain 1 extra gold every 3 seconds.
  • Quest: Use this item to earn 500 gold, after which is will be upgraded into Bulwark of the Mountain.

Bulwark of the Mountain:

  • Cost: Unknown, but I think it’s an automatic upgrade once you earn the bonus 500 gold from Targon’s Buckler. It will only upgrade out of combat after a short duration.
  • Gain +200 Max Health
  • Gain +10 Ability Haste
  • Loot: Gain 2 extra gold every 3 seconds
  • Champion Spellcraft: Takedowns (kills or assists) restore 40% of your boot enchantments total cooldown

As you can see, there is NO warding passive on either of the two new support items as suggested in the Patch 3.4 video that I have found in the CN Server PBE. Instead, because Hextech Megadrive has been removed, it’s passive is now on both of the new upgraded support items.

In my personal opinion, I think this is an incredible change and has the potential of completely changing the support role for the better. First, there has been severe issues within the support role regarding player satisfaction and individual agency. As designed, these new items will allow a support’s progress both within games and among ranks to better reflect their own skill, rather than those of their teammates. You will no longer have to rely on an ally’s (or more specifically during the laning phase, your ADC’s) ability to farm and manage waves. This will be a team effort amongst duo laners and extend onto other team encounters/relationships around the map after laning phase.

Additionally, devs of Wild Rift like Endstep have always said that they do not believe putting the burden of vision control and warding solely on the responsibility of supports in Wild Rift is healthy or a move in the right direction. Due to factors such as map size and faster game pace than PC League, I wholeheartedly agree with them. Therefore, adding a warding passive on supportive items would not be in line with these gameplay goals.

Instead, they have made an incredibly clever decision to move the passive from the removed item Hextech Megadrive onto the upgraded support items Black Mist Scythe and Bulwark of the Mountain. Due to the recent changes to boots enchants and the addition of a few new ones, better supportive counter play is encouraged and rewarded, rather than just blindly picking an all encompassing item. You’ll want meteor for poke supports, locket against heavy AP comps, Protection for enchanters, Redemption for heals, Veil against cc, repulsor against engage, Gargoyle for vanguard tanks, magnetron for warden tanks, etc. It’s no longer pick one boot enchant for any problem your team could possibly face because they do a bit of everything. More skillful supports will be rewarded, while those who are less skillful will no longer get carried.

Yes, this is correct. The patch preview script unfortunately had out of date information that we didn't catch. More details to come in future official posts, but the passive on the upgraded item is not a warding function and is instead an enhancement to your boot enchantment. Glad you're excited about the changes, we're eager to see how players feel in actual games!