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Made it to Diamond 3 60LP

Dropped down to D4 91LP, and just now another 10LP drop after a game with AFKer.

Ever since then I've had multiple games where if one thing goes wrong there's that one asshole that feeds or AFK recall at base.

I don't see the remake option when AFK happens at start of match anymore, we don't get loss mitigation after having matches with trolls and AFKs.

I've reported probably 5-7 of these players yet nothing has happened.

Did they undo the loss mitigation changes that they announced for ranked?

There was one time I was awarded 2 VP or had -7VP after a loss with a troll, but that only happened once.

What happened to the changes they announced to deal with these guys?

Honestly baffled.

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Both Remake and ranked AFK compensation are on. However AFK detection is pretty conservative to minimize false positives. At high skill levels, unfortunately, players are going to be better at "soft-inting" to evade detection. If you want to DM me your account and info about the games (date, time, timezone, region, player or champion who was AFK) we can take use it as a source for future improvement. It is a hard problem because at high skill levels there's a lot of jockeying for position without a lot of combat happening which can look like non-participation (think Leona positioning and waiting for the right engage moment).

over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by groovekingjames

I appreciate your reply to this post!

Sure I'd be glad to DM you if it'll help detection.

The thing is the afk players I reported were ones who spammed recall at base or sold all their items and ran it down mid/farmed jungle, also they're actual players we reported.

Is there any reason why they weren't penalized despite the reports we sent?

We'd really have to look at the games to understand why! There's also a bug that happened recently with report categories not getting recorded properly so that may have affected this.

over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by Low-Concentrate2162

What about when someone keeps reconnecting for an extended time, enough to screw the rest of the team?, does that count as afk, assisting the enemy or nothing?. Because of all 10 ish people I report on a daily basis usually only get one or two notifications back in my inbox.

Without revealing too many details of how our detection works, yes players like that will get detected. However they may not be gone long enough to trigger a positive result. We do try to be forgiving if someone is legitimately having trouble with their connection (it could be a bug in the game that is causing a crash on their phone!).