Riot be like:
5 man queue challengers matching with diamonds is an issue.
Makes them only match with masters and above.
Makes it easy for diamonds to climb to masters, so now diamonds are all master.
Basically 5 man queue stays the same?
Riot be like:
5 man queue challengers matching with diamonds is an issue.
Makes them only match with masters and above.
Makes it easy for diamonds to climb to masters, so now diamonds are all master.
Basically 5 man queue stays the same?
Joking aside, I felt I could clarify this a bit. We aren't actually changing the rank that Challengers can match, we are changing the skill or MMR gap between two teams, which much more directly impacts the chance of the stack winning. It's similar, but the distinction is important because by using MMR instead of rank, it is not affected by us widening Diamond and Master.
Basically, instead of a 5-stack Challenger team getting opponents they beat 95% of the time, they will now only get team a balance that a good solo queue player would also get, meaning they will either:
Also, remember this is a temporary solution and we currently favor eventually relaxing these restrictions after significantly discounting the VP gains so it's not worth 5-stacking unless you really are just doing it socially.
That’s what they are talking about in the 3rd to last paragraph.
If you read the next paragraph after you will see:
I am pretty sure you know what the win rates are for those abusers - how exactly you will balance that absurd win rate via VP gains restrictions without going bonkers about it like +1/-10? Also how this will fix trioq abuse? Do you also realize how many use discord to sh*t on teams not using voice comms?
Also how exactly is fair to put me as soloq high diamond/master player into hard stuck for over a year emeralds trioq to "compensate" for the enemy GM/GM/CHAL trioq LAST F SEASON with the banner to prove it and even now already master/GM? You are trolling me, literally. This sh*t happens all the time or you think we are that d*mb that we can't go into each player profile and see what happened and how the match was "fixed"?
Remove pre in ranked, there are enough ways to play with friends - PVP, URF, ARAM, CUSTOM games for scrims. There is a reason why in PC league soloq plays only with soloq, if you delude yourself this is a casual game for friends - all my friends playing mobile MOBA that are casual plays ML.
We don't have anything to announce specifically on the 3.2 solution, however if your VP gains are so tiny (or even 0 when necessary) when you 3q/5q that it's way faster to rank up solo/duo, then players won't 3q/5q unless they really are doing it to play with friends. This will likely result in the amount of 3q/5q groups decreasing back down to the background noise amount we had in S3 when we also allowed premades, but it wasn't a big deal.
Diamond/master will have a lower skill requirement, as they are making it easier to rank up.
For example, the people at a skill level of "high emerald" will now have a skill level of "mid diamond" of course I don't know exactly how they will balance it.
Basically more people will be diamond/master, so instead of complaining about your teammates being way lower rank, you will get to complain about your equal rank teammates way lower skill
To give a little more background here as well, we are really just fixing the backend to better match what is happening on the front end. We are getting plenty of solid players getting into Diamond and Masters that we shouldn't just kick out with -10/+15 gains, and we should just allow them to stick around if they can maintain at least 50%.
This helps to balance that back out, and the back end backs off a little in terms of forcing people out of these tiers while we observe actual player skill dynamics.
Thanks for your time and communication. I just want to say that as a pretty much exclusively solo player, it really, really sucks to be matched against anything other than other solo players. I don't care about their gains at all. I care about fun and relatively fair ranked matches.
Keep in mind that in order to allow duo players at all, we have to match solo players with duos to make a 5v5.
But party match ups are currently always mirrored in ranked. If there's a duo on the other team, then there will always be one on yours as well. If there are two duos on the other team, yours will also have two duos.
Does this mean that premade 5 v 5 was always random? Only paired by rank.
Does this mean that my games are not designed to be random but to go against a team with my mmr.
Does this mean that the system just matches mmr split by? So people with high wr are paired w low wr to keep it balanced?
I wonder why premade had a true rank climbing but solo queue does not have organic mm.
All matches, including 5v5, are matched using MMR and rank. 5s just allowed a larger gap since otherwise matches can't be found. But none of them are random.
I'm not sure what you mean by true rank climbing. High rank 5-stacks aren't climbing because of skill, they are climbing because the current system gives too much VP for matches that are too easy. The solution is to either prevent easy matches (temp) or significantly decrease the VP gains (potential future change).
Ah okay. I get it then.
True match climbing is what they used in first person shooters like R6. No mmr, no skill based match making. You have a rank and you get matched with people from your rank or slightly below/above.
It does not put good players with bad players on purpose or good vs good. If its random people will can only keep their rank by learning to carry. That way the skill gap is not that big and if it is, they win games and rank up.
All these play above their rank badges for gold to play w em. Mmr to balance a match out. It is not organic. That is not true rank climbing. I went on an 11 winning spree w mostly MVP's and the only thing my mmr did for me is having to beat emerald players while being plat, to having to beat emerald players aaaaagain in emerald.
So the general problem with that approach is that it results in lots of extra losses as players working their way up stomp on those below them. Those extra losses result in those players churning out faster. Instead most systems focus in making sure both teams have the same shot at winning.
Hi, will there be protection when playing with someone afk before 5min mark while soloQ? Because 4v5 whole game happens sometimes and it’s bad.
We are working on remake right now, though we don't have an ETA atm. But, yesh, we are working on improvements to this part of the experience for sure.