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I have two accounts. I play the same role with the same champions on both accounts. I've been steadily climbing on my second account. I'm about to touch emerald now with 57%wr. My main account is down to 44%wr. I keep getting trash teammates on my main. I just had a match where Garen and Riven both fed Nasus top early. Both having 1-6-2 respectfully. I just can't anymore. This isn't fun. I've stuck with this game for so long hoping I'll progress but this game stretches the little sanity that I have. How comes two accounts at the same rank has such a wide gap in teammates. On the second there's time where I feed and we still win but the first just feels like an up hill battle from the start. These SVP's are useless to me. I feel empty when I win and feel worse when I lose. I just wanted to vent.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by Vorcia

Tbh, there's no proof either way but I've ranked up to Diamond+ in League, Wild Rift, and TFT, and at least for the other two games I can personally attest that the matchmaking and ranking systems have been very fair and accurate over a decently large number of games, like 150-250 per season.

That really wants to make me give Riot the benefit of the doubt for Wild Rift, although even then I have to admit that the fortitude system is really sus to me and leaves a bad taste in my mouth because it's the only system in the 3 games that rewards you for playing selfishly rather than playing to win the game. And on top of that, somewhat minor but there's even a daily bonus to fortitude (according to the wiki at least) which I think is really bad if true. It makes it so that ranked only really starts at Diamond when you lose the fortitude system but even then it makes me kinda paranoid like what if a similar metric system exists to control your VP gains.

Just personally, I feel like believing in this kind of thing does more harm for your ranked experience with the game than good in most cases because even though it's a good coping mechanism to take your mind off loses, it's still a skill-based game at the end of the day and too much focusing on the bad system is just going to detract from your personal improvement and mess with your mentality.

In general I really dislike these narratives unless there's actual large scale evidence to back it up because it's always just been associated with ragers that are bad at the game looking for something else to blame and it promotes a negative mentality in the community.

Thanks for giving us the benefit of the doubt!

You are correct. We try our best to give each team the same MMR to lead to a fair match. We don't look at your win% at all, nor your recent Win/Loss pattern.

When putting a match together, all the matchmaker does is:

  1. Grabs 10 players whose rank and MMR are close enough to each other.
  2. Makes sure it can assign each player to a team and role such that the total MMR between the two teams is within an allowed MMR gap and role preferences work.

If that all goes through, the match fires up.

That's about it.

This leads to matches being winnable by both teams. It doesn't mean there aren't outliers, or matches that can snowball, and there are a lot of other factors that can show up between team assignment and actual match play. But that's how it works.

almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by Vorcia

Awesome, thanks for the detailed reply. If you can answer, how do you feel about the fairness of matches?

The devs on PC League published an article recently about how the matches in Ranked Solo Queue were extremely close in MMR except when duos were involved, which makes me believe that a lot of the unfairness in matchmaking that people in this community perceive might be caused by the ability to duo and even trio queue which increases the randomness compared to PC League. In that same article they mention that 99% of matches had all players within 2 divisions of one another, what would be the equivalent range for Wild Rift?

Do you think there might be any evidence to confirm or deny that the ranked queue in this game mode feels more random than PC League?

I can't really speak to how we compare with PC since I don't have their raw data in front of me.

But as far as what can lead to increased MMR gap, in WR it's more likely to be trying to get everyone their position. duo/trio doesn't have a huge impact there (average duos and trios still only win 50% of their matches). 50/50 matches are still the most common, but it can push up to 60/40 in some worse cases.

As for a feeling of randomness, that can also come from the actual skill gap within your team, which doesn't have as strict of a control. The team vs. team MMR gap has a value above which the matchmaker will never allow. The within-team gap, however, resizes based on real-time population.

Basically, it will find the closest MMRs possible within the allowed Rank gap. The rank gap also can't be loosened. But it is possible during slower times of the day to get players whose MMR is much lower than your own despite having the same Rank as you. When that happens, outcomes can feel more random because no matter how hard you try, it feels like you lose because your teammates aren't carrying as hard as you are.

Your win rate will be the same either way (50%), it just *feels* like you have more control when your teammates are closer to your skill.

almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by caesetic

What about situations that result in accounts having net 40% WR over a season or 60%? Are you viewing the goal for 50 as a lifetime for an account?

If so, while that is mathematically 50, I’d worry about significant retention issues as player perception of the system.

If not, how do you account for those accounts? After a certain time, shouldn’t the MMR adjust?

That can happen for a number of reasons, and is not ideal. We don't currently look at a 40% account and try to fix it with extra wins, nor at a 60% account and try to fix it with extra losses.

Most common reasons I've seen in real data:

  • High MMR players coming over from League PC and just starting out will play way better than anyone they are allowed to match with by Rank until they get up to Diamond+. These players get high win% because our rank gap restrictions prevent us from putting them an actual fair 50/50 matches. They end up in a lot of 60/40 matches until they hit ranks that have enough high MMR players to balance them out.
  • Likewise with really low MMR players. Sometimes we just can't make teams good enough to win if a player is just that bad. This is pretty rare though.
  • Similarly, the very very top 5-10 players will likely play so good they go positive because the best we can find is around 60/40 fairness. They make so large of an impact on win rates. This is super rare.
  • Just plain randomness. There's a pretty wide range of possible win percentages even in optimal matchmaking. Even if every one of your matches if perfectly fair, you can still start a season at 40% or 60% after even near 100 games. It's also hard to change that without another 200+ games after. In other games I've seen known top pro players winning major events start seasons at < 40% win rates just due to sheer bad luck. They evened out over time. Despite the low win rates, they were still top-ranked (equivalent to top 10 Challenger) with a 40% win rate because in those particular games, the Ranking system detected they were good despite bad teammates and gave them plenty of the equivalent of VP/LP to get them to the top.

That's my experience with this at a high level.

Now, should we help fix a 40% win%? Maybe, it's not something I've tried. Same with a 60% one. I personally felt that slope a bit slippery, but I'm always learning new things.

almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by caesetic

I ask because last season I hit diamond with a 55% win rate and have subsequently been 38% this season in Emerald/Plat. I haven’t changed my play patterns in any way and the champ I main hasn’t been impacted by the balance team recently. I also have a 77% WR in normals.

This is the second time that I have had seasons with opposite results which results in some serious negativity from a play perspective. Perhaps I’ll rebound sometime in the near term, but the feelings remain.

Outside of just random luck, there's also when you play. If you got excited to play early this season because of how well last season went, you may have run into higher MMR players before they worked their way up to where they wouldn't match you. Sometimes this can result in less fair matches early on, though it's a bit rare and still likely just random luck.

Another factor is the time of day you play. If you play closer to prime time in your region, you're more likely to get teammates closer to your own MMR just because there are more players around to match with.

almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by griddle1234

Firstly thank you for the detailed response to the above poster.

  1. Grabs 10 players whose rank and MMR are close enough to each other.

This in principle is good but I do find it hard to believe that's its a tight criteria. There are games where I've seen such huge disparity in skill level. This must be a lot looser than the 2nd point.

  1. Makes sure it can assign each player to a team and role such that the total MMR between the two teams is within an allowed MMR gap and role preferences work.

This is far easier to achieve and what I suspect is creating the 50/50 games which is obviously the aim. This is fair for a fun gaming experience but not fair from a ranked progression system.

You are basically saying that regardless of your skill/MMR level you will find it the same difficulty to win games and rank up.

I think the more point 1 works the more point 2 feels less noticeable. The alternative is let good players dominate and climb and let bad players lose and fall. But I know that can have a negative impact. Would a 20% WR player continue to play. I guess they would eventually reach their same skill level and go back to 50% but it's a painful process and demoralising.

Yeah, you've pretty much hit on the major tricky design pivots when it comes to matchmaking and ranking.

If we focus on matchmaking, then players get closer to 50/50 games when some feel like they deserve a higher win rate. To compensate for this, we try and make sure higher MMR players get extra Ranked Fortitude or LP to help them climb even if their win% stays near 50%.

If we don't focus on matchmaking, then it's possible to just let people climb, but then you run into the problem you brought up which is it results in a lot more players getting into matches they can't win or into matches where they feel like they aren't good enough to even play the game. In my experience, this type of experience leads to a larger negative impact than when good players have to lose half their matches.

But, yeah, you have touched on exactly the types of topics we have to balance.

EDIT: To your comment about tight criteria, you are right. Rank is the only hard threshold here, and Rank isn't as good as MMR at separating skill, but it's the most visible so we give it some focus. MMR is better at separating skill, but we let the matchmaker widen the MMR gap as needed to reduce wait times.

almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by griddle1234

To compensate for this, we try and make sure higher MMR players get extra Ranked Fortitude or LP to help them climb even if their win% stays near 50%.

This is an elegant system when taking all you've said into context. I would say for LP it should reward it based on the disparity each game rather than on their general MMR.

So let's say a 3000 MMR was paired with other 3000 MMR Players. They should not get the same high +15 LP gains compared to a 3000 MMR players that were paired with 2500 MMR players if that makes sense.

So the same system could be more dynamic and reflect the variation each game and would help people to be more motivated knowing they won a game where they were the carry.

But im sure there's been lots of testing on designs which work best but the LP principle makes a lot of sense.

Yes, I agree, and that's how the same system works on, e.g. League PC. A combination of what the teams looked like and where everyone should be going.

Wild Rift currently assumes every match is fair, which means in some cases the LP gains/losses don't seem to line up with what happened in the match. In the long run, it gets folks to the right place since most matches are fair, but it can result in some awkwardness. We are aware of this and are evaluating potentially changing it to be closer to PC in that sense at some point.

It's basically a simplifying assumption that carries some baggage but still works.

almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by pwaves13

So out of curiosity why not allow an option to let myself have longer queue times and match with my rank?

Like I still get in with mid golds in plat1

Mostly because that type of choice doesn't happen in a vacuum. One player waiting longer makes other players wait longer because now they can't match with that player. This can cascade into everyone waiting longer, even those who don't want or need to.

Seeing some Golds as a Plat is pretty normal though. If you are both solo queue, that means you are low Plat. Once your party average (or solo) is farther into Plat, you won't see parties that average below Plat in rank.

almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by pwaves13

While I understand that, taking potential players out of the pool of options, still I think that when my average queue time is like. 20s or so it's not that big of a deal to wait a bit when regular league I'm waiting a few minutes. Maybe it's a regional difference.

And I'm plat 1 soloqueue. Saw it last for sure in Plat 2 so...

If you saw it solo queue in Plat 2, that means the Gold was in a party with significantly higher-ranked teammate, pulling their party average into high-plat.

Since their party was considered Plat, the feature you are talking about wouldn't make a difference for you.

almost 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by TerribleTeemoTime

If match making is going to concern itself with player experience at all, can you explain why you would not default to giving a duo queue with adc/support as their top picks the duo lane over all other combinations except for another duo with the same preference?

Why on earth would there not be an extremely high priority on giving a duo queue that prefers the duo lane the duo lane? The only thing that would make sense is if neither of us got the duo lane because another duo also wanted it, but most often we get split up. Sometimes this causes my friends to ragequit the match or even the game entirely.

Most of the time you will get your positions, but there are exceptions that happen due to the random nature of all the factors matchmaking has to balance: wait time, ping, rank, MMR, team balance, and position. Sometimes you get another player in there who just hasn't been able to play their position recently, whereas you have, and it's just their turn so to speak.