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...update their report system or at least make it actually work? I am sick and tired of getting trolls from the get go in the lobby, picking Blitz for dragon lane with smite and ghost, there is no LP loss prevention due to someone trolling, so I automatically lose in that front, on top of wasted time due to the troll refusing to surrender. And I can't leave cause i will be labeled as afk and be automatically punished, but the troll will walk scot-free... what am I supposed to do then?

At least on LoL PC they give me the curtesy of bowing out from the lobby if there is a troll and I can peacefully search for a new game.

And my suffering for 10 minutes would be more tolerable if I knew...if I knewwww that reporting that bastard would result in a ban, or a hopeful perma-ban but nothing happens... Unless someone is afk, you ain't never getting that report notification. Its just so frustrating.

Can't even cuss at them for doing it cause ill just be reported for (justified) "verbal abuse" and probably be chat banned, but that piece of dog s**t? Nothing will happen to him.

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about 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Unfortunately if someone is troll picking summoners we don't really penalize them right now, it really difficult to say they are not just trying something off-meta. Which is totally OK if you're playing to win. One of the tough things about this problem space is that behavior that is obviously "bad" to the human eye can be hard to translate into something a machine can reliably identify.

We are continually improving our intentional losing detection behind the scenes and we just deployed some new changes Monday. However it is very conservative because we feel strongly about avoiding false positives. It would feel terrible to be trying to win, then lose the game, and then have the system tell you that you were intentionally feeding :( The pace of change can be slow because we are manually reviewing detected games for false positives before allow something to start penalizing players.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by afaela

Could you guys also do something about players who run it down? They don’t seem to get punished even though they regularly do this. It’s a common occurrence.

I have encountered MULTIPLE players who decide that they don’t like the matchup/team comp/that their own team doesn’t deserve to win and decide that they will intentionally feed in champ select.

These players will literally admit to trolling and mock their team in the chat but u guys can’t detect that…?

I understand it’s hard to implement a system for intentional trolling so please consider giving us a way to bow out of the game early.

Yeah finding people who are running it down is something we are actively improving. We're still at the stage where we are only comfortable penalizing really, really obvious cases though. We don't want to penalize people who are trying, but just playing poorly :(

about 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by coffeebrewcrew

Then can we also get a few add ins that could help reduce some things, such as a shorter AFK duration for detection, maybe more focus on damage/time ratio or fountain camping?

We get it’s not perfect but I feel like you guys have some room to not be as conservative, given this is a consistent problem. Also, how long do manual reviews take? I don’t ever get verification they get punished even if they are trolling, staying in fountain or sometimes even feeding, so is there even a notification for these issues?

Yes, we actually have some more advanced AFK detection running silently right now and we are gathering cases to review manually before we start issuing penalties using the method. It's actually be on live for a while, but our first review last year showed too many false positive cases so we went back to tune it some more in the latest patch.