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I just need to get this out of my system. It is so demoralizing to play in high elo since I feel like everyone is better than me lol. This losing streak happened in a span of 4 days by the way. I mainly play jungle since it is faster to queue but I can play other roles except support. It's starting to feel that I am cursed to lose until the end of the month. Probably gonna quit for now until july if I lose one more game. Be safe out there.

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over 2 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by manurift

From nextdoormmr own words:

When putting a match together, all the matchmaker does is:
1)Grabs 10 players whose rank and MMR are close enough to each other.
2)Makes sure it can assign each player to a team and role such that the total MMR between the two teams is within an allowed MMR gap and role preferences work.

So you won't get those massive gap difference you're talking about, that's would break the whole ELO system.
When you get into a losing strike, it means you are at your peak performance and the mmr is matching you with similary good enemies, so you have to give the best of you to actually win. That's a good thing, it means the mmr works, you just can't stomp your way to challenger.

Yeah, pretty much this.

The matchmaker does have some flexibility to expand the initial lobby creation MMR gap based on current population, as long as it stays within the allowed rank gap (usually +/- 1 major rank from each party's average rank).