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Hi my name is jerbq and I just reached Master rank in Wild Rift! I've mostly done this with Solo Queue, but have Duo'd with some people here and there :-)

I know it's not as great as some other people's achievements on here, but if I can give my two cents on anything ranging from the meta, laning, team fights or just general advice then I'm happy to! My best champion imo is Braum, but I play all supports except Senna.. still learning her :-(

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almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by jerb_

Here are some lanes I think that are super strong:

Lucian/Braum: Lucian's passive works so well with Braum's passive. It's a match made in heaven. If you play super aggressive in lane and all the stars align, I guarantee you'll have a fun time.

Ezreal/Braum: Ezreal and Braum go really well together. As Ez/Braum, you have the chance to apply tons of pressure in lane, as Ezreal's abilities such as his Q/1 proc Braum's passive stacks. Not only this, Ezreal can dash using his E/3 and Braum can follow up with his W/2. Great lane.

Lulu/mostly any ADC: I think Lulu is one of the strongest supports right now. No matter if your ADC is playing aggressive or passive, Lulu can provide excellent enhancement to suit any playstyle. Not only this, Lulu is crazy good in teamfights.

Janna/an ADC you can trust: If you're premade with an ADC and also have voice comms, Janna can be a really great pick. She works well with most ADCs, but mainly hard carry ADCs such as Draven, Vayne, Jinx etc. I wouldn't recommend picking Janna in solo queue unless you know your ADC can respond well to your shields and tornados.

These are only a few recommendations and thoughts, hope this provides some insight :-)

What are weak pairings you try to avoid? Or supports that are best picked late/be careful of because they are easily counterpicked?

almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

What are the most common mistakes do you see other supports making when you're climbing?

What are you focused/thought process on during team fights?

almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by metroslasher

Do you have an idea why my support suddenly gets lower point every time we win? We exclusively play together and every time we win, we get 15 pts. But now, she only get 13 pts while mine is still 15 even though we have the same winrate.

To be honest I don't know very much about that system. Our matchmaking designer posts on twitter regularly and he would be a better person to ask: https://mobile.twitter.com/joshua_menke/status/1417597287849725952