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Not sure who thought it was a good idea to restrict the champions you can pick in Legendary queue but that was a moronic idea. I get autofilled top to a role I don’t play, I can’t even pick my usual Garen top because apparently I don’t get filled top enough and don’t have enough mastery on him.

I can pick Sion (the ONLY one I had enough mastery for), who else do they so thoughtfully provide me as additional possible picks with asterisks? Amumu and Nautilus, yeah thanks jackasses. What a horrible change, I guess no more legendary queue for me.

Thanks for reading me whine like a loser, but as if they could make getting autofilled any worse I’m now forced to pick horrible champs into the enemy’s comp.

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over 2 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by Aquaburnz

queue times would easily get quadrupled for popular roles and yes people care more than they think

Yes, in fact, much worse than quadrupled. If you do a quick simulation on paper you'll see that if, for example, there's only 1 JG for every 10 players, wait time lengths go like this:

2x 3x 4x 5x 6x ... 100000000x infinite

Basically, without autofill, or at least some similar way of players choosing to not play their preferred role, getting games at all grinds to a complete halt and no one gets to play.

It's an unfortunate part of having pre-chosen preferences that aren't equal.