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Sorry in advance for this rant. But I’m just so sick of how inadequate the penalty and compensation system is in this game.

Just finished a game with someone who picked Caitlyn support, went 0/3 in under 3 minutes and then pinged my ultimate as a level 3 Galio…. Said “useless mid” then disconnected and never came back. Immediately after, our solo laner said “well it’s over, just stop trying” and also quit.

All said and done, I get a measly 60 fortitude? I love this game, but hate crap like this. Trolls need to be punished harder and victims of trolling need better support.

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

We're gonna look at adjusting fortitude. We were conservative out of the gate because we were afraid of abuse cases, but the system seems like it's not causing problems with that so we're looking at what we can do to dial up compensation.