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What happens is when I move it suddenly stops moving as if I'm with my finger not on the Joystick anymore, this never happened once before but now it happens all the time.

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over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

I feel like I've experienced this too, but our QA folks have not been able to reproduce the issue which makes it really hard to fix. If anyone has a video of this happening while they're playing their game, post it or DM me a link and it'll really help us track down what might be happening. You can google directions on how to enable screen recording on iOS and Android (it is built into the OS).

edit: if you've experienced this, drop your phone model, cell provider, country in here even if you don't have a video

over 2 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by OnePotMango

I have no evidence at hand but I've noticed that it tends to happen for me when I get latency or ping spikes.

Also, my hardware isn't exactly top rate, but it usually runs around 50fps. When this drops, whether it be a battery or memory issue, I get issues with input lag and joystick dropout

That is a good theory! Let me surface with the devs