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But Annie with Magic Pen on Boots would be a dream. She could vary her Build more or be stronger vs Tanks with her Ult. Could make her viable in High Elo too 🤤 with some Pen by boots she even could build maybe some tankier Items to be a bit more of the back-row breaker without neccesarily dying right away because full build pen might give her room for like a Abyssal Mask. Coming from someone that loves to Flash + Protobelt for the carrys far behind. It's a ultra risky play but that's why I love Annie so much haha Mundo might be viable with the Gargoyle Enchant.
About AD/MR, that wouldn't change much, most Protobelt user would still be one-shotted. And like making more AP items that give Armor/MR may break the game. Imagine a Kata or Akali or Orianna with more than Crystalline Reflector. It would be a nice solution to give everyone the opportunity for a flexible build since they can gain up to 20 AP/AD Pen/to counter a tank in Late Game a bit better (no one likes a Late Game Mundo in a good enemy team hahaha)
But for Stasis I would rather give a good chunk Armor/MR.
In general I like this dudes idea, make the Boots """more""" useful. I'd love to see more evolution for items in late game too. Like, you can upgrade your items once more when you reached full build. (rn I think a comeback still happens to rare. Some champs in Late Game seem to be broken because you can't really counter them.)
Let's bring more in-depth itemization (about not-so-good players and having to think about this wouldn't be user unfriendly. If we'd go by this, we would have to reduce all gameplay strategy and passives by items and such for this. Except me and my mates I've seen not one Seraphine building Rilay's, even though I'm so nice even telling Seraphine in enemy teams they should buy it they don't. Lack of knowledge will stay lack of knowledge) into the game!
MPen boots would be strong for Annie for sure. But we already have 2 MPen items and adding more would give a LOT of power to MPen focused champions, and blow up squishies. Though it wouldn't be terribly strong vs tanks, flat pen tends to be strong vs squishy targets, this is why you see AP and AD assassins building flat pen, while %pen is better vs tanks.
Though the core issue I was bringing up is that Mpen/ARpen is a great stat for champions like Annie, but not so much for many other protobelt users like Alistar. I actually think this would further restrict boot enchants. Right now champions tends to have a few different boot enchant options, but as soon as we put stat binding on them than many players will feel that they need to buy a particular enchant because of the stats, and less for the active that they provide. Maybe that is ok, it really depends on what the design goals, but trade offs need to be into account with any design change.
Annie is also rather strong at high ELO to the point where I have seen her picked and banned in tournament play. You are right that Annie loves protobelt and I don't expect that to change, those backline bombs are something she is going to keep doing.
Gargoyle tends to be great on Mundo, he builds a crazy amount of health and that multiplier does a lot of work for him. I've seen a few Glorious enchants, and can still work fine but I think typically Mundo's job is to be a big target soaking up a chunk of damage and Gargoyle is great for that.
The biggest win I could see out of doing something like this is that it would encourage more people to buy boot enchants. It's a bit hyperbolic to say, but boot enchants have some of the highest winrates of any item, and in my experience are some of the strongest indicators of how a game will end. They give a huge spike of power, but it all comes down to a player being skilled enough to use them. ...With that in mind, adding stats doesn't mean that people will use their actives well, or at all, and it does skew the reasons players have behind getting the boot enchant.