Like I said in your other post: if you're seeing this consistently, capture me a video. Or if anyone else here can send me a video example (and rough game times when you experience the issues). If I can see what you're doing I can better diagnose what's happening and get a fix for it. A video of your experience is really, really valuable because we can see what you're inputing and what your network status/FPS are. We can't see this on a replay. For controls issues all that info is really important to understand what is going on.
We take core controls issues like this very seriously, but intermittent problems (or problems that only happen for a small number of players) are really hard to track down because we can't reproduce them, which means we can't tell what's wrong or if we've fixed it. If you can get me a video I will personally run this down with our QA and devs.
How to do on iPhone:
How to do on Android: