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I understand that some of you are champions creators...And you want to promote your work...

My opinion and take it as advice is that the most of players like the classic champions of LOL instead of the newer champions...

In my games on PC and in WR i see all the time champs like Akali, Zed, Sona, Darius, Garen, Malphite, Warwick, Catylin etc, instead of newer champs...Only Jhin and Kayn are popular in my games...Ekko was but now i have a long time to see him in my games...

I like Sett and i am very happy because he is coming in WR...I wish that you will add Dragon Sett skin too it s my favorite on PC but i am sure that the players wont play him for a long time...If you add Neeko i like her too i was playing her when i was Zyra main for months...But ok...

So it s better if you add classic champs first like Shen, Warwick, Zyra, Talon, Le Blanc, Lissandra, Swain, Shaco, Fiddle, Voli, Trundle, Sejuaini, Maokai, Malzahar, Syndra etc and then start add newer champs...

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over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Don't worry, popularity is one of the things we take into account when deciding when to bring a champion to Wild Rift.