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Proof: https://imgur.com/kktxWoU

And you can check my history. I am a SoloQ only player. Not a single Duo/Trio game on my account.

You Don't Suck. You Don't Have Bad Teams...

You Just... Don't Care.



Hi. I'm Furby, Master ranked Top Lane and Top 50 (depending on the day) Malphite.

I'm not a professional, and I don't have 8 hours a day to grind games. I'm an old ass half-boomer almost-40-year-old gamer with 2 hours a day that I can give to gaming. My kid takes up the console, and my wife is a PC Gamer... so I get the cell phone...

I don't have the coordination or hand dexterity of some of you youngsters. I don't have the free time, or the financial freedom to chase a game rank... But... I do have one thing you don't...


I have a 59.4% winrate over 280 games... and my main isn't even my highest winrate. I have a 66% winrate on Kennen, and a 65% on Nasus. I don't win more on Malphite.... I *like* Malphite.

Honestly, you can ban my main if you want to... I have a better chance of wining with my alts...

To put it simply: If I cared about winrate... I'd play another champion...

I *enjoy* Malphite. And I *understand* Malphite. And I know my champion better than you know your Flavor of the Week OP Champ...

Malphite is BAE.

So why am I even posting this?

Because over the last few weeks, all I see are people talking about "loser's queue" or a losing bracket that has kept them down.

Do losers queue exist?

Yes. `100%. I am here to tell you that Riot tries to keep you under 65%. I had a 71% winrate going into Diamond 1, and I got met with a 14-loss streak that I literally couldn't understand. Every single game was filled with Emeralds on my side and GrandMasters on their side.

Every. Game. For 14 Games Straight...

I went from 93 Diamond 1, to getting demoted to Diamond 2 in one night...

You can even still see a massive 9-game losing streak from earlier this week on my profile.

It happens. And it's bad...

And yes... I would be off-laned into Jungle (my last role) when I was at 93 LP in Diamond 1 while going for Master. I went 2 weeks straight without seeing a single Diamond 1/ Master ranked player on my team, and being shoved into off-roles for ever promotion game...

Yes. It happens. But you have to Persevere.

So why can't you level up?...

Because you give the game up at 10 minutes and mentally check out.

Look at my stats... I have a 2 KDA.... 2... In Masters...

No, you aren't missing a digit somewhere...


I understand the game, my team, and the map.

And I. Never. Give. Up.

You can see many games on my profile where my team went 24-45 and won the game. Many. Because I am that asshole that refuses to FF at 5/10/20 minutes.

You, yes you, are going to win this f*cking match with me... or you are going to learn something from it. I'm not giving LP up for free.

And if you are my opponent; you better prove to me that you deserve to take my LP from me by killing my Nexus.

And you know what?

40% of the time... they can't do it. My opponents throw a huge lead, and I win at ~30 minutes off of a single ace and base race. (Bars.)

I can show you a dozen champion spotlights... a dozen youtube videos of the newest "OP" champion... I can show you all the easiest ways to gain free LP...

But I can't make you play the game.

And yes, you feel isolated as Jungle or Duo while dealing with an Inting mid lane... trust me; so do I.

Imagine me in Top Lane as a tank with no damage output. When I see 2 lanes fall behind, I know I am in for a rough game... since I can't do anything myself to carry (usually).

But I persevere. I will outlast you; and I know it.


Why am I posting this?

Because if you care enough about the game to be on a reddit forum... I expect you to get good enough to see me in a queue one day. And when you do... I expect you to play to win.

I can teach you what items to build... I can teach you what champions are the most powerful at the moment...

But, I can't teach you to care about the game.

Stop FF'ing... or prepare to feed me your MMR.

It's that simple.

To everyone ranking up: You are just as good as you think you are. I'll see you in Masters one day.

External link →
almost 3 years ago - /u/riotBoourns - Direct link

Originally posted by ThatGuyOnTheReddits

No self-loving 80's child calls themselves a millennial. You keep that kind of language off of these boards. #notmygen

Did... people forget Gen X exists? Trust me, you ain't a boomer even if you don't think of yourself as a millenial. You might identify with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials though!