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I just reached Diamond as a support main! Came here just to say how happy i am, since i have no friends who play with me :) i only solo q, which is why i feel this as a success :) this is my second season, the last one i got emerald 3,and my goal for this one was to reach diamond, which i did! At first i was hardstuck emerald 4,got to emerald 3 then fall almost till platinum.. And like that few times in circle :) a lot of games there were afk players, trolls as all of you are familiar with, and i felt like i can not progress unless i start playing carry, cuz as a support i depend i lot on my team, but there were posts here from supports main who encourage me to continue, and i really enjoy support role, i like playing tank and enchanter. So thank you guys for all good posts, they were really helpful and educational on how to play and on what to pay attention the most, since i never played lol before Wild Rift, it really helped. Now i can play with less stress since i achieved my goal lol So for all of you who struggle, if you like the game and enjoy it as i do, dont stop pushing! It is possible hahah :)

Sorry for long post but i had to share it with someone :) Good luck everyone and have fun! :)

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over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Soundwave - Direct link

Hard stuck emerald, I'll get there some day!