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I was in my promos for reach diamond(again), won 2 in a row, and lost all the others and after that 3 more games because people feeding really hard… has anyone experienced the same thing before? It feels really bad because no matter how hard you try to keep positive attitude there’s always someone feeding reaaally hard :(

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over 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by surlytempo

Hey! Thanks for taking the time to respond. There's been so much frustration and speculation in the community regarding matchmaking. You mentioned your teams are working on MM and that it's one of your current focuses. Can you share some more about that with us? Across various elo systems in different games exists the subject of performance rating calculations, MMR, raiting floors and ceilings. Different games weigh different performance attributes and achievements differently, etc. Are there things in WR that players could be focusing on more specifically to better develop their MMR? Or give us a general overview of what your MM system is looking at when trying to match players? How do your team feel about the MM system in the overall with the amount of data they've been able to gather so far?

/u/RiotToyb is right, we don't do anything to force losing streaks.

There is a team balancer, however, which takes whichever 10 players ended up matching together and balances the skills of the players across both teams evenly, so both have the same chance of winning.

If you are matched with 9 players that are all a bit worse than you, the team balancer may give you slightly worse teammates altogether than the other team to balance that out. But it won't stack it against you, it'll just do a subtle balancing so both sides are even.

Ideally, all 10 of you are close enough in skill that this ends up not being very noticeable. But it's possible for the gap to be larger expected sometimes, and you do end up having to do more work than usual to carry the team.

We are working to make that only happen when absolutely necessary to get players into timely matches, so we have improvements across the board in the pipeline for that type of thing.

But outside that, streaks are normal even if matchmaking is 100% perfect. You can confirm this by flipping a coin and seeing how often you have streaks. Even perfectly fair matchups will still result in fairly long streaks now and then.

over 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by surlytempo

Thank you for your response! My nerd curiosity is piqued. How does the system evaluate skill gaps between players of the same rank and say players who may have been at a higher rank but decayed? My thinking is, if matchmaking say scores players consistently across each metric in order to determine with as close to a 50/50 probability of winning for both teams, in the event that the match results in say a landslide win for one team, how does the system treat this match result data? Is it considered anomalistic or is that data processed for adjusted matchmaking preferences? My feeling is that snowballs are the result of skill/knowledge gap between both teams where a fair match I might think the gold/xp/map advantage distribution is spread evenly between both teams. Am I looking at this correctly or is there another way I could be viewing this to put it in a more accurate context?

The metric we hold ourselves to for fairness is accuracy at predicting which team will win. Anything we add to the system has to improve accuracy. If gold/xp/etc. are correlated with winning, then the system should result in matches being close in those values as well.

Right now there is definitely room for improvement there and we actually have some good stuff in the pipeline, but not soon enough to discuss in detail.

But, yeah the ideal match should feel like either side can win, and that every player can contribute meaningfully. Those are the metrics we are now building towards.

Getting more accurate will also decrease the amount of streaks we see overall since higher accuracy means not under or overestimating players as often.

If you want more in depth stuff at a more general instead of just Wild Rift level, check out my talks on the gdcvault (Josh Menke) they're free now I believe. About 4 hours worth.

over 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by Hatredgnr

Yeah you turned the game into a coinflip no skill based but luck dependent, you are totally right flip a coin to figure if you'll win or lose don't even bother trying better go afk and spend your time praying for the genius MMR system to not to give you total handicaps with no hands to sabotage you from ranking up to the rank you deserve

Basically turned it into a grindy game instead of skill based Moba its not the better you are the higher your rank is anymore.. It's the more you play

YE no thx I'd rather grind mmos if thats the case, competitive games was never meant to be like that

To be clear, I mention flipping a coin only to demonstrate that streaks happen, not to be confused with so-called "coin-flip" matchmaking where it feels like the outcome is determined by chance rather than skill.

We don't want that form of matchmaking. Ideally everyone in the match is close enough in skill that the outcome feels competitive and not at the mercy of the worst players.

We have improvements to that in the pipeline that we'll be monitoring.

Top Ranks are looking competitive in the data though. So while you may need to play a good amount to get to them, it's still extremely difficult to get to the highest ranks without playing well.

over 3 years ago - /u/NextdoorMMR - Direct link

Originally posted by Hatredgnr

You really think high elo is competitive?

Then let me introduce you to the meta of abusing your MMR system just to prove that it's full of flaws

Have you heard of the "Q enablers"? Or at least that's what they call it even tho the purpose of it has nothing to do with what they call it..

So basically what 99% of high elo players do to rank up nowadays is by using an low WR low MMR account of their friends or whatever in a party of duo or trio to boost each one of their main accounts..

Why they do that? They might say that its due to the long Que time in higher elo if u have high MMR, but is that the only reason? Absolutely not.

They mostly do that to get easier games by abusing the MMR system so let's say they play in diamond-master elo yet the difficulty of the game for them feels like plat-emerald elo

It's really sad how you guys are so stubborn to not to change a game killing system like, I used to be a really competitive/try hard player until I got too deep into WR now I barely even try cause I get into the game knowing that the fate of it is all up to this weird matchmaking.

I'm not sure where you read we aren't changing anything. I think we've said in each of these posts that improvements are coming across the board in these areas.

We are aware of the less ideal situations you are talking about and we know how and why they happen, and we have improvements coming for all of them, both to ranking and matchmaking time.