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over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by OpaqusOpaqus

I am absolutely begging the devs the look at Shyvana. Add better AP options and consider what she's going to do without cloud drake.

We are keeping an eye on her, and expect to make changes around her passive, based on what happens with Elemental Rift. To be clear it won't be a largescale rework or anything, we understand that changing this system has a DIRECT impact on Shyvana.

We are experimenting a lot with Elemental Rift, and iteration will be driven by player feedback so please don't forget to share your thoughts!

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Avionicskid

This looks friggin wicked. I am super excited!

Us too!!! This is gonna be a fun one! What are you most excited about?

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Ficnkle

Are you planning to bring Chemtech Chainsword to Wild Rift anytime soon? We need a grievous wound item for bruisers

It's always a possibility, what about Mortal Reminder doesn't feel like it works for bruisers? The state line is designed to work with AD users (Marksmen, Assassins, Bruisers).

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by ProfessionalMove703

u/R0gueFool can you shared behind decision on removing missing health heal for mantra W? How this will improve her battle mage aspect?

I can't really speak much to what changed or didn't change, I wasn't the designer on Karma (though I do love what they did with Karma).

I'd say that we should be thinking about her kit as a whole rather than individual changes.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by OpaqusOpaqus

I didn't think I was going to get a dev response! I'm actually okay with her interacting with dragons, but I'm really hoping for better AP scaling with her abilities so we can choose to go AD or AP without teammates telling you that you're throwing the game.

Generally speaking I'd prefer if dragons were more like Kai'Sa or Kha'Zix where I can choose an ability to evolve rather than a specific dragon buffing a specific skill.

Historically we like it when champion's AD and AP builds play differently, but we don't see a lot of value when they play the same way. What is nice here is that AD and AP Shyvana do play differently. The issue is that AP Shyvana exists around her (3/E) and we can't really increase its ratios, because it already destroys people. Personally, I think her AD builds are a bit healthier, though with its own set of problems. I do agree that she could use some long-term love though.

Something like Kai'Sa or Kha'Zix could be an option long-term, (to be clear, I'm not hinting at anything here) who knows what we might want to do in the future. But it is unlikely we are able to go that direction right now, we would likely want to incorporate some animations/vfx/ something larger with visuals if we were to go that direction.

And because we are using your feedback to iterate on Elemental Rift, it isn't something we'll have the scope to do right now.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by theodore1005

u/R0gueFool are we getting that smooth camera movement in spectator mode? it shown in 10:22.

I think that will be a massive improvement for esports viewing.

Honestly, I have no idea what the plans are here, it isn't something that my team works on, and thus somewhere I am out of the loop. We'll still have patch notes, and I'd say keep an eye out for them going forward.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Shaquandala

Yall always say that and then it looks like you didn't even look at it at all once something releases and then go quiet until people don't talk about it anymore

I'm sorry you've felt that, but I promise you that I am not the only member of my team that checks this subreddit/twitter/chats with players daily for feedback, across regions. We would like to be quicker about being able to respond to feedback with changes, but our process is slower than we would like. We agree this isn't ideal, but we do hear you even if we don't respond.

I am one of the designers working on Elemental Rift and I can promise you we are looking for and listening to all the player feedback we can get. It doesn't mean we'll be able to respond to each response players make, (I gota get work done too) but we are listening.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Shaquandala

Ok I get it I just hate when you guys respond saying oh yeah we are totally looking into x and x and then release comes and it seems like it wasn't taken into account once, but I trust you shyvana has always felt underwhelming anyways and I hope the changes atleast gives her a much needed even if only small boost she deserves

It has a lot to do with timelines and how soon we need to lock changes before you all see them. This was why 3.0 wasn't as exciting as many players expected it to be, the work done for it, and the changes all had to be done over the holidays.

So when we say we are looking at X, depending on the change, it might not be in the next release (unless it is a simple numbers/balance change, or it is something we have already been working on for a bit) but it is something we are working on. That might mean you see changes in the following release, or later, but to be clear not all of our plans pan out and just because we are working on something it doesn't mean we have a good solution that is worth shipping.

This last point is a big reason that many game studios don't talk about up coming changes. Plans can change and it feels really bad as a player to get your hopes up, only for something to not happen.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by manurift

Please, we need a Rewind button and/or Time stamp selection too! Pass the message to the designated team if you could. Thanks & cheers!

This is something the teams working on that feature have talked about. And as I understand it, the reason we don't have rewind/time stamps is because the replay isn't a video, it is a saved series of inputs. This keeps the file size MUCH smaller so you can have multiple replays, but it does come with the trade off of making these features difficult.

They are aware of this feedback though, and while I don't know what the team's plans are, working on this would mean something else isn't being worked on. Much of our work is about prioritizing features and trying to get you all the most valuable features we can from each team.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by Manaleaking

What about a Jhin buff?

We don't typically cover balance changes in these videos, keep an eye out for the balance patch notes, closer to its release.

over 2 years ago - /u/R0gueFool - Direct link

Originally posted by mlsucksXd

u/R0gueFool hey I appreciate your engage with community thanks alot :D

I have question is karma rework design to be more support or Battle mage? Or both? plz don't kill AP karma mid I like how wr devs team made seraphine/Morgana also some other support flexible and viable in mid/ support.

Thanks, lots of great people in this community, it's fun to chat with everyone.

We have no intention of killing mid lane Karma, she was frequently play tested for success in both mid and support roles.