Currently, our Technology isn't set up to provide two different paths, so we're making do with a single path at the moment for Personal Challenges and Random Battles.
The Base XP bar is set low enough that Co-Op can be completed. Unfortunately, that bar is forced to be so low that Randoms can seem trivial, so we're stuck with a situation that is quite a challenge on one side and overly completable on the other.
The best solution that I've seen and spent time iterating on is to make Naval Battles/Personal Challenges into an "or" style setup with Base XP numbers in Randoms and Co-Op being tuned so that each Tier of challenge has the same %chance of being completed in a mode-relevant sense. Doing this would require coding time which is never, ever easy to find. That being said, I'm personally on the lookout for if any ever shows up because this Naval Battle/Personal Challenge pain point won't likely be resolved in any other way (that I can think of).
I know things aren't going as fast as the PvE Community might like, but please understand that you do have a team that is pushing to make sure you are heard and included.
The post is hidden now, but it should appear a little later today <3
The Base XP you earn in Co-Op fluctuates wildly depending on the circumstances. You might have an all bot team, you might spawn with few bots nearby, you might have a yolo-DD on your flank that sponges up XP. These are things that are out of your control and cause your earnings to change and never be certain.
Operations are literally repeating scenarios that have same/similar spawn locations with same/similar bots doing same/similar things. While queue for an Operation with a random group of people can certainly lead to different experiences, you can farm Operations like a machine with a dedicated group that just does the same things repeatedly. It can remove the variability (outside of shell RNG).
Aporthos has some YouTube videos of him doing silly things in Narai. Here's one of them.
Direct Video Link:
I recognize this is a years old situation that needs to be worked on. It's going to take time because anything worth doing takes time, but please believe that we're pushing to move forward.