about 5 years ago - Sub_Octavian - Direct link


Following your feedback on encountering 2 CVs per team on battle tier X (more information can be found here), we’ve worked on a possible solution.

As a result, we decided to introduce a 3 minute soft cap for 1 CV per team on battle tier X, complemented by a hard cap for 2 CV.

This means:

It will no longer be possible to encounter 3 CVs at battle tier X under any circumstances;

There will be much fewer games with 2 CVs per team on battle tier X (at the moment these battles constitute ~8% of all tier X battles worldwide);

In some cases, when a ship is queued for 3+ minutes, 2 CVs per team will be possible, but we predict it to be a very rare case - unless the number of tier X CVs in the queue spikes.

To clarify once again, this applies only to battle tier X (Tier VIII-X ships). On lower battle tiers this change is not critical, and not technically possible at the moment due to higher CV popularity.

We know this change is important to you, so we will do our best to update the matchmaker ASAP, and if we can – even with a hotfix. But, as the change is currently undergoing QA, we cannot promise an exact date yet.

Please stay tuned and follow the news.

Thank you, good luck and fair seas!

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