almost 6 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo Captains,

While we appreciate the enthusiasm, we ask that you do not start informal AMAs. We will see what we can do about an opportunity for players to ask questions to Sub but this is not the right way to go about it.

Regarding your current questions:

1- We consistently monitor balance within the game and performance of ship nations and classes. When we notice there are lines/ships under-performing in comparison to others of same tier/type we do dive into them and determine if there is ground to address the ships in question. We do not share these investigations/plans ahead of time, when we decide to address a ship you will hear about officially in the Dev blog that can be found in a variety of places including here on the forums.

2/3/5- As per standard course, we tend not to like to tease/leak upcoming content, regardless of whether its ships, line, or modes, ahead of its upcoming release. There is many reasons for this, primarily, avoiding disappointment. If we announce X feature coming, and then have to consequently delay it for a technical reason it would lead to disappointment within the community. We can assure you we have a load of great content scheduled for the remainder of the year, into next, and beyond. This includes new ships, modes and features that we believe players will enjoy.

5- As per Sub in his reddit post before he took vacation:

"In the very near future we are going to make an update on current CV changes and tweaks. Some of you thought we went silent, but that's due to several things being prepared actively. We are determined to address a lot of concerns, and are not going to relax." - Sub_Octavian (source)

Again, we will look for an opportunity for players to submit Qs for Sub, and thank you for your enthusiasm.


almost 6 years ago - sea_you - Direct link

Don't forget Estancia Steakhouse :) It is another Brazilian Steakhouse, like Fogo de Chão.

Fogo de Chão is amazing in Brazil, but the one in Austin is not so good. I prefer Estancia :)