over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Hi, guys -

Speculation is fine on how you think the new system is going to work. PLEASE take the time to read the materials and math we’ve put out there for you all in the name of transparency. We aren’t hiding things - in fact the most common complaint I’ve seen is that we put out so much info that people are annoyed because they don’t want to bother reading it all.

Read and you’ll see that the first win bonus will be applied to XP, CXP, and FXP.

Read and you’ll see that, since those three values are separated, the maximum bonus you can apply to FXP went WAY up to ensure comparable earnings remain.

Read and you’ll see that part of the rework was designed to benefit F2P players a bit more than is current.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Eco bonuses and consumable camos will be given out in all the same ways that you can currently earn Camos and eco signals. Additionally, there are now cool new ways for us to give out Permanent Camouflages as rewards for tournaments and events as the result of this change.

As for rate - we really don't know yet. The goal is to keep the economy in the same shape it's in currently. We've stated that numerous times throughout this process, and it's reasonable to wonder what that means, but since the materials are not 1-1 it's difficult to give you an idea of exactly the rate.

You can do all this math on your own with the tools and info we've given you . There's nothing about this that's hidden.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

You cannot combine small bonuses into large ones, but you can split them from large to small if you wish.

I think you might be misunderstanding the way "stacking" bonuses currently works compared to the change. Currently, there are combinations of signals / camos that you can stack in order to achieve a maximum total bonus. The new booster reflect those combinations.

So, in the current system the highest value of bonuses you can achieve are stacking a Mosaic / Spring Sky / Asian Lantern camo with all available eco signals, flags, and daily bonus. Those are the three most powerful combinations you can currently make for XP, CXP, and FXP. In the new system, those three combinations would be reflected by you stacking the most powerful booster from XP, CXP, and FXP. That's one of the major points of the rework: to simplify it down so you're not stacking things trying to maximize your XP to fuel CXP and FXP - in the new system you can throw on a max FXP booster and not "miss" anything by choosing not to run an XP booster at the same time. They are independent.

It's ours

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

The new system is easier.

The conversion is extremely complicated, but it only happens once.

Try to understand that it's two separate things...

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I would look at the new Tier 4 boosters the same was as the most powerful eco-boosting camos are looked at: rare.

Currently: Mosaic, Spring Sky, and Asian Lantern camos are the most powerful that you can obtain and are accordingly very rare and valuable.

That system is a safe bet for projecting the rarity of the new boosters

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

You're ignoring the fact that the the new top XP bonuses are 800% and 1600%.

Currently, the highest XP bonus you can apply to a match with signals / camos is:
400% - Mosaic
50% - Equal-Speed Charlie London
100% - Red Dragon
50% - Hydra
75% - Basilisk
50% - Scylla
50% - Leviathan
That's +775% with camo / signals currently. That's less than the Tier 3 Eco bonus in the rework. The 1600% is literally twice that value.

Further, in the new system, your permanent eco boost that is currently tied to permanent camos and will be separate in the new version will ALSO add a value on top of the booster.

800%/1600% - Booster
50% - 100% - Permanent Eco Booster (formerly known as Permanent Camouflage)

If you're calling me condescending for pointing out that your math is simply wrong, then I'm sorry, but I'm going to correct the mistakes before people take them seriously.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

You're not factoring the Conversion and/or assuming no Ship XP Bonuses will be available in the future.

This is choosing 3 Camos to be Converted. One Camo has +400% Ship XP, another +200%, and the last +100%

In "Bonuses from Camo" we see that listed out as:

1 x 100%

1 x 200%

1 x 400%

This converts into:

1 x 200% Ship XP Bonus

2 x 800% Ship XP Bonus

Note: Players receive 1 of each Bonus during Conversion, so remove 1 of each for Conversion purposes.


A Player using a +200% Ship XP Bonus would earn:

300% Ship XP (100% from playing + 200% from the Bonus)

A Player using a +800% Ship XP Bonus would earn:

900% Ship XP (100% from playing + 800% for the Bonus)

Even if a Player uses the basic +100% Ship XP Bonus, it results as 200% Ship XP just like now with the use of a fairly normal Expendable Camo. There is no Permanent Bonus required for that.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

The "Credit" math is off.

In the "Old" section you are accounting for "Earned Credits" + "Bonus Credit" = 100% + 150%

In the "New section you don't account for "Earned Credits" and only present the Bonus = 160%, though adding in Earned Credits would make it 100% + 160%

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

The Bonus Structure is deliberately huge on the highest Tier. It has to be to approximate the stacked bonus of Rare Camos + Full Set of Rare Dragon Signals + Economic Signals. There is no reason to approximate Tier 3 with what is factored to be relevant to Tier 4 Bonuses.

Worth noting that receiving/earning a Single Tier 4 Bonus of Commander XP or Free XP is enough to approximate some 9-13 other items working in harmony. While they may been rare, it's not fair to assume a variety of rare items put together is automatically easier to acquire that something else. Even if the Single very large Bonus is more rare the fact that it simulates a collection of rare items is absolutely something to factor.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Base Credits: 552,555

Old System with +150% Bonuses: 552,555 + 1.5(552,555) = 1,381,387.5 Credits - 43,920 Cost = 1,337,467.5 Credits

New System with +160% Bonus: 552,555 + 1.6(552,555) = 1,436,643 Credits - 43,920 Cost = 1,392,723 Credits

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Missed that. Accounting for external +5%:

New System with +160% Bonus + Military Flag: 552,555 + 1.65(552,555) = 1,464,270.75 Credits - 43,920 Cost = 1,420,350.75 Credits


over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I've never spent money solely to acquire flags, so I can't speak to the use of direct purchase as an acquisition method. I've gotten Dragon Flags from Santa Crates and the CV Event Crates I purchased, but I haven't tried to shore up stocks otherwise.

While I don't have details of what will be offered, there is reason to expect similar availability for direct purchase. It's just a matter of figuring out value to keep value purchased equal.


As for Free-to-Play earning options, there will be a More Economic Bonuses container which will directly provide Bonuses. I don't have the contents of it to share, but we'll be able to provide Bonuses just like we provide Signals now. Combat Missions, Events, Daily Containers, etc.

I'm unable to say "Everything will be the same" because we'll be using different numbers, but in terms of value attained we are intending to keep our economy similar to how it is now. Things are working well. This leads to the question of "Why change stuff then?!?" which is addressed by A) Making Visuals independent of gameplay elements, B) Making Permanent Bonuses always active, and C) Cleaning up a many optioned system with one that's cleaner/simpler.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Sure, 65 is quite a bit. However, you have played 16,733 Battles.

There is a lot of theorycrafting that people do in terms of understanding systems, but these super-highend combos really are actually rare.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Again - I laid out the math.

You're telling me the math is wrong without showing any math.

Please actually put something forward instead of just asserting something without backing it up.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I laid out the total bonus with Mosaic and all XP signal flags and it came to 775.

How does a Type 59 come out anywhere near that?

Regarding availability - we're not being vague. We're stating explicitly that we aren't sure how they will be distributed.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

To give reference for Dragon Flags, the most common acquisition method for Dragon Flags is the 3 Gift Containers you can earn each week. They give 5 Dragon Flags of a random type.

In order to make a full set of Dragon Flags using that system, you would need to play 6 mission chains (3 easier and 3 harder) over 3 weeks and have 8 of the 9 Gift Containers yield each of the Dragon Flag Types. In that sense you would earn:

5 x 7 types of Dragon Flags

10 x 1 type of Dragon Flag

Assuming you didn't use any and wanted to save them to make a full set.


In that time, however, you would have played a multitude of battles. The new system has no Stacking effect, so there's no problems with just using a Bonus for a Resource whenever you want to use one. During the grind for a Dragon set, you could simply have earned the equivalent bonus resources through normal play.

This is also ignoring the requirement for special/rare camos which are only available under very specific conditions (such as Clan Battles) or unique event rewards.


In the end, it comes down to two things:

Stacks like are being talked about are Outliers not Norms. They are actually hard or expensive to attain.

Resources are Earned through play. While you play the game, Bonuses will be useable to net the same amount of Resources even without use of infrequently extreme stacked highs.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

PTS should be available fairly soon for people to be able to check out the new system.


At present, I don't have figures to quote on Tier 3+ Bonuses. It's a fairly large amount of stuff that we're converting, so folks are quite busy dialing down on the particulars.

One thing that is really worth consideration. Right now some folks stockpile signals so they can use them together for maximized returns. In the new system, there's no incentive not to just use them normally as you play. While Tier 3 and 4 Bonuses would continue to offer massive returns, every game earns resources.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link
over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

It is absolutely expected/understandable to hold onto higher Tier Bonuses for high return situations like farmable Scenarios or Clan Battles. However, basic Economic Bonuses will likely be used as normal as opposed to waiting for a rainy day.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

You can use Expendable Ship XP Bonuses which provide the same or better returns depending on use case.

Earning Ship XP Faster does result in a faster grind. That is logical.

There is no need to purchase a Permanent Bonus. While buying additional Bonuses would result in more Bonuses, you can simply use Expendable Bonuses in Ship XP to achieve the same goal.

The Bonuses that were on Expendable Camos... are just Expendable Bonuses now. You use them in the same fashion. You equip a thing to get more Resources, and you get more Resources.

False. You don't need to purchase any Permanent Bonuses when you can just use Expendable Bonuses. You could grind the line with no Bonuses, but dedicated players will have Bonuses from the Conversion or from More Economic Bonus containers/events/missions.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

You can see what your accumulated Camos/Signals will convert to here: https://worldofwarships.com/content/economic-bonus-calculator/

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I'm letting you know that Ahskance and I do not know exactly how the new boosters will be used in comparison to the current system.

Not sure how much clearer I can get that there is no perfect answer to the question yet.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Yes, it's very possible there will be a flood of shock. Most players do not follow news.

The good thing is that the system is extremely straightforward. Use an Expendable Bonus for the Resource you want to use it on and... done. As much complicated math as you see on the forum, the actual implementation will be very functional.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

12 Weeks is 3 Months

"4 Dockyards a year" is... A Year

Clan Seasons are Months Long and require considerable effort

Again... 2 Per Year


I really can't follow you down this line of logic. Planning an extensive collection effort that spans months or years is NOT EASY.

Again... Months or Years is NOT an easy metric. That is considerable!


You need to stop attributing everything to shady intent and malice. We are VERY busy in the background doing and checking all the stuff that has to be done in Converting years of accumulated stuff from Old System to New System.

We have repeatedly stated our intent to keep things similar to what they are now. What we have currently in terms of player reward/involvement works. We're simplifying the system and decoupling Visuals from gameplay/economic aspects, so yes there's a "looks different" to the system... but the fundemental expected returns should be similar to what exists now.

I have every expectation that you and others will crunch numbers to make sure whatever we are putting out holds to that in terms of expected output. If there's something amiss, we'll find it and correct it. Right now, the forum playerbase on whole generally understands the changes and is ready for the next part, but we're still working on doing the change right now.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

You can experience it for yourself on the Public Test Server. You no longer have to take my word for it.

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