over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

The answer is yes :)


This is from a new Forum Tracker Tool that's nearly done <3 It shows how many messages I've checked off on since the start of the year (and the Grey is from before January 1st).

For those that don't know, our Moderators and Admin go through every post on the forum to give it the ok for being inside the rules. It's a lot of work, but it helps us to keep this place constructive (though still with its helping of spicy/grr). So, for my part, I've personally read and given the thumbs up to over 60k posts in my 7 months or so here!


Random post, but I'm excited :D

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Just raw passion/insanity~

In specific "[Player] suggested we do [thing]", it's not very often. Most suggestions are conceptual and not fully fleshed out, which means someone has to sit down and do the full fleshing out prior to it becoming a proposal. Proposals then require detailed write-ups which would be internally reviewed as pass/fail prior to being pushed to eat development time for evaluation/execution. As there are hundreds of thousands of players and millions of accounts, there are checks to prevent a flood of information.

That being said, player suggestions, comments, criticisms, frustrations, and examples are taken up in overarching terms and expressed directly via internal reporting. Pain Points and Problems are highlighted for awareness and if specific/aggressive enough can become a larger topic for discussion/engagement. Stun Bombs was immediately one such topic. -- As for acting on Feedback/Issues it requires it's own process of evaluation, proposal draw, evaluation, execution, testing and more which tends to take months (not to mention having to somehow fit in to an established workload timeline which spans months into the future). Community Concerns tend to move quickly from topic to topic, so fixes to issues showing up 4-6 months after they were initially identified as issues can sometimes go unnoticed.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Not too much to add on PvE atm.

Operations are still being worked on. Will be awesome when they return.

Base XP continues to be frustrating as a Naval Battle or Personal Challenge metric.

0.11.6 will have some AI improvements which should effect Co-Op.

Please check out the PTS to give thoughts on them!

0.11.6 looks like it will benefit Co-Op players, so that will be helpful too.

Nothing but reading, pff!

2,850 posts just this year! :O

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Ahskance and I frequently consult each other on the content of our posts.

And don't call me Shirley

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Hilariously, over 50,000~ I locked all the threads that were older than 3 months going to back to like 2018 (3 years). It took me about 4-5 hours.

We were having issues with new players repeatedly searching the forums and responding to posts that were years old. The first experience new forum members had was a Warning for Necro'ing :\ So, I locked a crapload of threads to force new folks to look for more recent threads and avoid Necro'ing issues.

The reason I thought that was funny is because I thought something broke when it said I did 6k unreads, but the month before was 66k.


I am considered doing like a monthly Moderation report. How many Posts/Threads/Warning/Hides and such. It's a small percentage of the overall posts as we tend to have around 700 Posts a day but something like 0-5 Warnings.

Would you find it interesting to see numbers on the NA Forum Moderation? I can look into it and see about if it's a thing I can do.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link


Should give you a variety of gameplay to check out!

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