almost 6 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

We are aware of your interest in the way that ships announced in the Development Blog will be distributed.

Today, we would like to inform you that the American tier IX battleship Georgia will be available for coal. Also we would like to remind you that the Japanese tier X cruiser Yoshino will be distributed for the same resource.

The release dates for these ships will be published later, in the respective news channels on the game website.

Good luck and fair seas!

almost 6 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

We are aware of your interest in the way that ships announced in the Development Blog will be distributed.

Today, we would like to inform you that the American tier IX battleship Georgia will be available for coal. Also we would like to remind you that the Japanese tier X cruiser Yoshino will be distributed for the same resource.

The release dates for these ships will be published later, in the respective news channels on the game website.

Good luck and fair seas!

almost 6 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

We are aware of your interest in the way that ships announced in the Development Blog will be distributed.

Today, we would like to inform you that the American tier IX battleship Georgia will be available for coal. Also we would like to remind you that the Japanese tier X cruiser Yoshino will be distributed for the same resource.

The release dates for these ships will be published later, in the respective news channels on the game website.

Good luck and fair seas!

almost 6 years ago - sea_you - Direct link

Aqui está a tradução:


Sabemos que vocês se interessam por saber como os navios anunciados no Dev Blog serão distribuídos.

Hoje, gostaríamos de informar que o navio de guerra americano de nível IX, a Georgia, estará disponível por carvão.

Também gostaríamos de lembrar que o cruzador Yoshino de nível X japonês será distribuído pelo mesmo recurso.

As datas de lançamento desses navios serão publicadas posteriormente, nos respectivos canais de notícias no site do jogo.

Boa sorte e nos vemos em alto mar!

almost 6 years ago - sea_you - Direct link

@Fabianocc vc tem bastante carvão guardado? :)

almost 6 years ago - Kami - Direct link

Yoshino sounds disappointing? the 30mm from 25mm armor difference is huge and cannot be understated. Yoshino also has the option to mount torpedoes which the Azuma does not. Yes, they are long range torpedoes like the Shimakaze'

s but they can be great at area denial. Please remember that the Yoshino is currently in testing and is subject to change.

If Yoshino sounds so disappointing to you, what would you do to make it better?

Yes, the Georgia is for coal. What about the concept has you stymied? This is a radical change from the first iteration of the Georgia and the new iteration is going through plenty of testing. We want the Georgia to feel unique and have its own identity.

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