over 6 years ago - _irony_ - Direct link


Today, some players lost the "Daily Shipments" section. Later we returned it to your ports, however, the progress was reset and rolled back to the first day.

All players who have been affected by this reset will be able to re-start collecting rewards for daily logins and receive them again.

In addition, we extended the window for obtaining Halloween shipments until Monday, November 12, 6:00 AM PST (9:00 AM EST). So, if you have not had time to activate it – it's time to launch the game and do it. Shipment collection will end as planned - November 21, 6:00 AM PST (9:00 AM EST).

We also understand that there is not much time left until the end of daily shipments.

Therefore, if you, at the time of completion, had Halloween shipments activated, you will receive all the rewards that you weren't able to collect, including the premium "Halloween 2018" container! You will be eligible to receive rewards starting November 22 for two weeks.

Log into the game and get rewards immediately after login!

Thank you for your attention and understanding!

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