about 3 years ago - Konception - Direct link

Hello Commanders,

If you watched the NA Community stream just now, you got to see my face, but allow me to formally introduce myself! My name is Konception, and I am thrilled to be joining the ranks of Boggzy and Ahskance as a North American Community Manager.

A bit about myself: I previously worked as Community and Marketing Manager at IceVayne Games, and indie studio that works on psychological horror games. However, a bulk of my gaming and community background comes from speedrunning video games. I have worked on and volunteered for several marathons and events through speedrunning, including Games Done Quick, Midwest Speedfest, and Calithon. If you’re interested, you can take a look at the games I run or have ran here (you’ll notice that some of the games are good and some….aren’t): https://www.speedrun.com/user/KonceptionSR

I am really excited to bring my experience and skillset to this role! However, one thing you will notice about me that makes me different than Boggzy or Ahskance is that I am not a seasoned World of Warships player. In fact, I had not really picked up the game at all prior to starting my position here with Wargaming. While they are very quickly and efficiently getting me up to speed with mechanics, strategies and terminology, I am still learning. During this time, I am definitely open to suggestions, advice and anything constructive that y’all might be able to offer!

That’s about it for me! For now, you will probably see me poke around the forums/Discords and on stream every now and again while I get my sea legs. Catch y’all around!

about 3 years ago - Konception - Direct link

Thank you! My dog's name is Jabba. We're huge Star Wars fans in our household.

I think Jeff Goldblum said it best when he said, "Life finds a way." I'll find a way.

about 3 years ago - Konception - Direct link

He's a pug, so naturally we call him Jabba the Pug around the house.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

If Lancer left, with whom would I play backgammon while I wait for the next community stream?