about 4 years ago - foodprinter - Direct link

If a player is not present in the game on a regular basis he will automatically will be flagged by our antiabuse system (same as TKers) and will only be able to join co-op battles unless the issue is fixed).

As for the legit bots we actually working on banning them on a regular basis.

about 4 years ago - foodprinter - Direct link

Yeah, Let's not punish those guys who experienced sudden power/network outage. They're already frustrated with that and pink status that they've earned.

Consider I said nothing, but recently we've adjusted our bot detection processes and they'll be gone forever pretty fast. It may look sometimes like we're not doing anything about botters and those who decide to use illegal mods but it's a constant work and progress and some people actually realize that in order to keep playing the game they should uninstall whatever scripts they are using.