over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link


Random Battles is... Random. Literally. People queue and it grabs people to make a game, the only Identifier the Matchmaker has to work with it your ship Type, Nation, and Tier.

There's a How It Works video that explains the whole process:

Direct Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7PmOMVLgsE

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I'd read his point more as "Ultimately, one side's going to end up winning this. You had a 50% chance of being placed on the one that ends up winning vs the one that ends up losing." That was my thought, anyway.

But yeah, high-end folks can alter the game's odds quite a bit in their favor through excellent play during the game.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Funny story. So I worked for a Movie Theater after the crash in 2008 when my warehouse laid everyone off. I got the job because I worked there as a 16 year old kid, and I moved quickly to a Supervisor position.

I was trained that "Supervisors" aren't -actually- Supervisors. They're "Managers-in-Training" and they are expected to act like it.

So, on a weekend they'd give me a Concession Stand that was understaffed to save some labor dollars... and then expected me to stand on the main floor just waiting around in case someone wanted to ask me something. Because that's what the "Manager on Duty" did.

Yeah, no. I worked my shift so understaffed wasn't understaffed. I got my guys breaks, I got stuff stocked, I did what you're supposed to do... I did the job.

Turns out some employees felt like I was "hovering" and didn't have faith in them, so they resented it? Weirded me out that having a boss work with you in the trenches making life suck less was considered worse then being stuck to do a job that was too big to handle dilberately to save on costs.