over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Hi, Folks

Sorry to hear that you don't value the camos even if they are free. Not all free rewards are going to be the same or be valued by players the same.

I'll remind you that we give out a metric boatload of items for free in this game. Not all of them will be to your highest liking, but try and look at it over time. We just released a DY with a free Tier 7 premium that can be completed by absolutely anyone just for playing. We did that with the Repulse, Graf Spee, Tachibana / Yahagi, and Gorizia in other dockyards. Premium ships are a boon for F2P accounts.

@Ahskance has even been playing a free-to-play account on his stream and has been astounded by what he's been able to accumulate just for playing.

I understand that some camos are not very exciting compared to things like these, but please understand that they are that: free. If you regard expendable camos as dirty underwear... well that's a shame, but not everyone agrees. Some people are happy to have a few extra things to mess around with just for playing

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Camos are still worth credits. Some cannot be sold just yet, but will be able to be sold in the near future.

Again - a base XP mission is something that you will complete literally without thinking about it. This is a side-quest that you are welcome to bypass and ignore if you want! If aesthetics and credits mean nothing to you, then focusing your efforts on DY missions that have more tangible rewards may be the better options. There's a lot to do in the DY for free and it even includes a T7 premium!

Pick and choose to your liking

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

We release of a lot of combat mission chains as "Extra" or "Bonus". These will often refer to special days or events, though sometimes they are because we like to have extras going on during weekends or periods of activity.

The mission chain in the OP is 18,000 Base XP with no restrictions other than Tier. This means anyone who chooses to play Brawls, Ranked, Randoms, Co-Op, or Scenarios for a few hours gets some extra stuff. It's not mandatory stuff.

In general, we have internal metrics for "How much is each battle played worth?" These metrics are primarily reflected in the standard resources (Credits, XP, CommXP, and FreeXP) that players earn. Our staff has an amount of wiggle room that we can use to provide "extra" value per battle played. That extra value can be expressed in standard resources or in non-standard fun stuff like patches, flags, camos, commanders, or whatever we can dream up really. While long-time players are upset about camos having no direct gameplay value, they still matter to players which straight up enjoy having distinct visual styles. Plus, they convert into Credits even if you aren't interested. It's still getting more stuff while just playing the game.

Our game is not a job that requires a paycheck to interact with. Our game is fun and is worth playing because of the intrinsic value received from the play of the game.

The sentence above will likely be scoffed/meme'd at but it still remains the reality of the situation. Some folks unwind after a long day by cracking a beer and blowing some stuff up with the ships in their port. Others come home and get to engage their mind and competitive spirit in trying to outplay their opponents and the situations they find themselves in. We have a great game and everyone in this forum has gotten to feel how cool our game is.

There is a very real situation of reward structures causing people to stop doing something for "fun" and instead work solely for the "reward". As a Free-to-Play company, we do give away a lot of items as part of our engaging with our community and this can and does create a "Well, why would I do something if I'm not being paid for it?" mentality. In short, if there's nothing to grind... then why play? The best answer is "Because it's fun!", but if you're able to be paid for a hobby than why do your hobby for free?


Boggzy mentioned earlier that I started a Free-to-Play account. I did that as an outreach to the Community during the time of Econ/Camo changes but also to remind myself what starting out feels like. As a F2P I've still been able to achieve Tier 10 (I got a Hindenburg) within 23 days because of how much value is there to be gained from in-game events and one-off combat missions giving out additional resources. This isn't even counting Twitch-drops as I've not set the account up for that.

We can agree to disagree about the value of additional credits, camos, or whatever for just playing the game.