almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I don't believe it's a bug.
You can earn towards this mission with every game you play while you work on the class-specific missions. While you play the CV and DD missions you are likely to earn quite a bit of this here.
Keep in mind that you only need 6 missions out of 9 to complete the "5. Battle of the Tonelero Pass" directive. You can skip several of these, including the spotting damage mission if you so choose. The purpose of needing only 6 out of 9 completed is so that you can choose which ones make you go, "Blech! Not for me, thanks" and complete the ones that seem more reasonable to your playstyle.

For me it would probably look like:
#1 - Win 6 Battles (any ship)
#2 - 46 "Hits to citadel" or "Set on Fire" ribbons (any ship)
#3 - Earn 95,000 XP (any ship)
#6 - Get 89 "Set on fire" or "Caused flooding" ribbons (cruisers)
#7 - Get 1050 "Main Battery Hits" ribbons (battleships)
#9 - In one battle, get 4 "destroyed" ribbons (any ship)

Those are the ones that fit my playstyle. I ommited the DD and CV heavy missions, but I suspect that a very strong CV player like @Merc_R_Us or @ReimuBakarei would have no trouble earning that amount spotting damage over a day or two while playing CV's.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

To my knowledge the pathing error was fixed.

Are you coming at the armory from inside the game or from a browser?

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Did you read what I wrote above? You can literally three of these.
Otherwise, just pick two and play through them while you complete the other missions. 42k Base XP is not as bad as you're making it sound

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

If the mission seems annoying to you (maybe you don't like playing CV's to get the spotting damage), then you can skip it and still progress through the mission tree.

You guys have a LONG time to complete these missions and once they're open, you have all the remaining time in the campaign to finish them, so they're not gating you the way that it's being made out here.
Yeah that one spotting mission is worth a token, but you will have 28 days to complete that mission even if you choose to complete 6 other ones in order to unlock the next set of missions.
Sorry, but I think Puerto Rico references here are off-the-mark. I was a player and I remember that entire bitter pill. This is nothing compared to that. It will just take you making a plan of how you intend to complete them.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I'm sorry, DrHolmes but Coop is simply not the main game mode. When these dockyard mission groups come out, we try our best to make them accessible for PvE players, but the gate by necessity must be set with randoms in mind.
Sometimes we have missions that come out that are actually more easily completed in Coop and players from Randoms will sometimes choose to do that, while sometimes missions come out that are easier to complete in Randoms and Coop players will choose to do that instead.

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I've just looked through the Combat Missions for the Dockyard. They do get grindy in the latter half, but that is normal for our Dockyard concept.

I did look over the Ship-Type Specific Missions and they all look very doable in Co-Op. That is a good improvement over the previous Dockyard.


I do agree that the Spotting Damage mission in Week 5 does stand out when compared to the Spotting Damage mission in Week 7, but @Boggzyis correct in pointing out that you can complete other, easier missions during Week 5 and continue to accrue Spotting Damage over the course of the next 2+ weeks to finish out the large mission in Week 5.

Week 7 is only 350,000 Spotting Damage, which can be done in a much shorter period of time.


My recommendation for Missions to get through Week 5 the fastest in a Co-Op setting would be:

Win 6 Battles

Get 46 "Hits to Citadel" or "Set on Fire" Ribbons

Get 95 "Torpedo Hits" or "Destroyed" Ribbons (in a Destroyer) - I'd expect around 4 or 5 per match

Get 89 "Set of Fire" or "Caused Flooding" Ribbons (in a Cruiser) - I'd expect around 4 or 5 per match

Earn 95,000 XP - This can be done in Co-Op, but also in Scenarios where Signals/Camos can be particularly effective

(Carrier Players) Cause 1,000,000 HP of damage to ships using aerial Torpedoes or by Flooding - I'd expect 60-100k a Match if you only focus on this

If you do not play Carriers well, the Battleship option may take a while. I'd recommend a Battleship that is fast and has an Engine Boost consumable like a French Battleship.

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Just as a refresher, I did a quick Co-Op in Tier 8 Tech Tree ship Baltimore.

I moved full forward and started shooting my guns so I was spotted early.

Obviously, results will vary. Still though, if you're pushing hard forward and get yourself lit early by using your guns to bloom your detection, you can expect shells your way.

As you pointed out, the two Ship Type specific tasks (Destroyer and Cruiser) require a combined 84k Base XP, so that's about 160-210 Battles. You will accrue Potential Damage while you play the other shiptypes.


It looks like it'd be about a 15 hour grind in Co-Op. Done over 7 days, that's 2.2 Hours a day. I'm not at work, so I don't know if you'll have longer (IE: 10 days or more), but that's something I can look into.

I would recommend using a Tier 7 or 8 ship as dealing damage to higher tier enemies results in bonus XP (which can reduce the grind). You can use ships higher than Tier 8 as well, but that may be a drain on credits depending of Tech Tree vs Premium/Special.

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I certainly get the frustration as 15 hours+ is not small. That being said, there are folks that like to play a lot who will complete this through normal course of play.

There is absolutely no obligation to get the Atlantico or finish the Dockyard. Especially because you have to purchase at least 3 stages with Doubloons in order to get the Atlantico at all. There are plenty of Free-Play folks that are happy to let her come and go while they get the easier goodies that can be collected during the Update.

For those that do want her but lack a lot of time to play, if you purchase the 3,900 Doubloon Starter Pack you could consider an addition 3,500 to purchase 2 additional stages and finish the Week 7, 340k spotting damage in a CV in Co-Op (spot the enemy CV so a div-mate can kill it at range with a battleship). You could complete that in an hour with a clanmate.


Our Tier 8 Ships often sell for 10-13k Doubloons, so a Tier 8 Battleship going for 7,400 would be a discount. In the case of time being valuable, dropping $15 on the 3,500 doubloons would be a savings of 14ish hours.

However, this is a game and some people will play those 14 hours normally. And again, I remind everyone that while the Atlantico is a cool ship, there is no requirement to unlock her. We have 38 Tech Tree lines of Freely available ships to work on.