about 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

With the current matchmaker settings, sometimes you might encounter a situation where six aircraft carriers are present in one battle at Tiers IV and V battles. It's difficult for Tier III-V ships to put up a fight against a large number of aircraft carriers, which affects their overall efficiency in battle.

We've prepared changes to the matchmaker that will reduce the number of aircraft carriers in this scenario:

For Tier V battles, a soft limit of two aircraft carriers per team will be set. A battle with three aircraft carriers in the team will be possible only after a long wait in the queue.

All other Tiers of battle, including IV, will have a hard limit of 2 aircraft carriers per team.

Thank you for highlighting this problem, we will make all the necessary changes required. However, due to technical limitations, these changes will only take effect in one of the next updates in early 2020.

The new algorithms will reduce the number of battles with three aircraft carriers for Tier IV-V ships, and Tier III ships will not encounter more than two aircraft carriers in a team after these changes. At the moment, the popularity of Tier IV aircraft carriers is very high, so stricter restrictions than those described could have a significant impact on waiting times in the queue and also lead to the assembling of a large amount of incomplete teams.

We will continue to monitor the situation and make additional changes if necessary.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary.

about 5 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

Earlier, we announced some upcoming changes to the matchmaker which are designed to reduce the number of aircraft carriers in Tier IV-V battles. Today, we are ready to share the details of the updated matchmaker system, which is currently in testing.

With the matchmaker update, special settings will be applied for all battles of all tiers, which will limit the maximum number of ships of a certain level and class:

A fixed limit is set on the number of ships of a certain class:

With the change, the presence of aircraft carriers in battles will become more stable, but the number of battles with two aircraft carriers per team will be significantly reduced. We also plan to completely eliminate battles with three aircraft carriers, but this change requires additional testing and we will report on its results at a later date.

The number of destroyers in a battle will not exceed 4 - 6 for tier V-X battles. For tier X battles, the maximum number of destroyers will be four, under normal circumstances of saturation of the matchmaker queue.

The number of battleships in a battle will not exceed 5 - 6 for tier V-X battles. For tier X battles, the maximum number of battleships will be five, under normal circumstances of saturation of the matchmaker queue.

The number of cruisers in a battle is not limited.

A limit is set on the number of ships 2 tiers lower than the tier of battle. This will avoid cases when the player, for example, is the only tier V in a battle dominated by tier VII ships.

Combined with the previous matchmaker changes in Update 0.8.7 ( https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/game-updates/update-087-french-destroyers-part-2/#game-mechanics ), these settings will make battles more comfortable and give more opportunities for effective play on a lower tier ship against higher tier ships.

Each tier of battle will have specific limits to class and tier which will change depending on the waiting time in the queue: the longer the waiting time, the softer the limitations become. This is done so that the first players in the matchmaking queue don't have to wait long periods of time for the limits to be met; while at the same time maintaining the maximum level of comfort of team compositions.

As an example, see the settings below for tier V battles (battles involving tier IV-V ships) and tier X battles (battles involving tier VIII-X ships):

The detailed settings of the matchmaker for each tier of battles will be announced later and may change during testing.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary and subject to change.

about 5 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link


This is talking about max number of ships. So at tiers V-X the max number of BB's on a team will not exceed 6 in a battle where the ships are tier VIII-X. In a purely tier X battle they will not exceed 5. Both of these numbers can be increased if MM goes beyond the before mentioned timeframes in que.


about 5 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I mean that would all vary depending on how many ships are in que...
