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Greetings Captains,

Welcome to this week’s edition of the New Player Captain's Log! For those of you who aren't sure what this is or what it might do, feel free to check out the introductory post here.

Eagle-eyed readers of this blog might also notice that last week, I introduced something brand new to the fold: Questions! With each topic I discuss, I also added a question at the end to see how y’all feel about things in comparison to how I feel. I just thought it would be an interesting way to get some discussion going!

I also wanted to point out that due to me volunteering in-person at a popular speedrunning event, I did not get to play as much as I would have liked to. Nonetheless, I played somewhat and wanted to shared the experiences that I had.

Without further ado, let’s proceed with Week 22!

Here’s a list of personal milestones that I hit during the week:

1. Further explored submarines in Co-Op
2. Played some more Convoy matches in various T10s.

Focus Points of the Week
Here’s a list of the focus points for this week:

1. Explore ships and game modes that I am less familiar with

“Deep” Dive with Submarines (pt 2) Ships: Cachalot, U-69

I spent another handful of matches this week exploring submarines in Co-op. One thing that I noticed is that submarines are probably some of the only ships that have a higher chance of dying in a Co-op match. It’s been my experience so far that the Co-op bots are able to use their depth charges decently well, and I found myself sinking to the depths more than once while I learn these complex fishies. To help counter that (and to get myself some more practice with pinging and homing torps), I purposefully kept my distance a bit, which was met with middling success. I found that sometimes I would do some damage and be effective, but sometimes I just couldn’t land any effective hits and the match would end without me doing much at all. I think some of this will be alleviated once I have a better grasp of submarine detection ranges, which @Ahskance was helping me out with a bit. There’s still plenty to explore!

Question: Between the most common German and US submarine “lines,” do you have a preference? Why or why not?

Great Big Convoy (pt 2) Ships: Montana, Grosser Kurfurst, Moskva

Another week rolls along, so you know I had to get some more Convoy matches in! This week I did take my Montana out a few times but I also wanted to seize the opportunity to try out/refamiliarize myself with a few other T10s while not being in Randoms. I took out the GK once or twice and that is certainly a ship that I could see myself using a lot. Tons of HP, good armor, and just really solid in terms of survivability. I also played around with the Moskva a bit more. If you have been reading these logs for a while, you will likely remember that I took out the Moskva for a season of Clan Battles with some other WG employees and enjoyed her. I found that without @Boggzy giving me really good directions, I tended to not perform quite as well. Who could have guessed that? Regardless, I am still having a lot of fun in the game mode and can’t wait to play more!

Question: What are some of the best ships you can take out in a Convoy match and why?

I think that about covers it this week! I want to remind everyone that the New Player Captain’s Log is also designed to be a place for new players to reply with their experiences or seek advice as well, so feel free to join in on the conversation below!

See you next week for some more New Player musings. Fair winds and following seas!

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