over 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link


New Year is a time of gifts. This time we have prepared a lot of rewards and activities for you, including a very special treat!


In version 0.8.11, players will be able to receive holiday victory bonuses on all their ships starting from Tier V. Ships of Tiers V-VII will bring 400-750 units of coal, ships of Tiers VIII-IX - 75 units of steel, and victories on Tier X ships will earn "New Year's gift" containers, from which it's possible to receive one of many Premium ships and other rewards.


Each player's own dockyard will appear in the port, where the American Tier X cruiser Puerto Rico will be built. The construction of the ship is divided into several stages: players will have to go through all stages of construction - from laying the keel to the installation of weapons and deck equipment.

The construction will take place in real-time and will continue after the player logs out. For the completion of each stage, players will receive various valuable rewards, and the final one will be the American Tier X cruiser itself.

The construction of Puerto Rico will only be available in version 0.8.11 and will take a long time, but the process can be accelerated. In order to be able to finish the ship on time, it is necessary to build various structures at the dockyard. These buildings become available sequentially, and their construction will require either Doubloons or a special temporary resource - Shipbuilding tokens. You can get tokens for completing the event directives. The progress of construction and available facilities can be monitored via a special port interface.

Event directives

The event will consist of 7 directives. In addition to the Shipbuilding tokens, valuable rewards are available for completing the missions and directives, including various in-game items, "New Year's gift" containers, and "Shipbuilding" containers.

New collection

"Shipbuilding" containers contain elements of a new collection. It will consist of 20 elements and cover the stages of shipbuilding using Puerto Rico as an example.

New year port and camouflages

The atmosphere of celebration in the game will be brought to life by a festively decorated port of "New York", as well as New Year's permanent camouflages for ships of the tier VIII, which can be mounted on almost any cruiser, destroyer or battleship.

In addition, the game will feature a special permanent camouflage for Puerto Rico.

Update 0.8.11 will include more gifts, which we will announce later. Follow the news on our portal.

Please note that the information in the Development Blog is preliminary and subject to change.

over 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

We removed the difference in rewards for premiums and tech tree ships, while somewhat increasing overall rewards for tech tree ships - "New Year's gift" containers should be intresting for a lot of you.
And yes, while we try not to focus on first tiers, we try to make T5-10 viable for different missions, if possible in the event rules.

over 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

My DM:

over 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

It's not like we're doing the same event every update, and honestly, would it be better if we skipped snowflakes?

over 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

There won't be any exceptions for RB.
Yes, there was a case with ships being re-researched getting rewards by default, with the ability to double reward per ship, but that was due to RB being only recently announced and short span of time being given.
This situation is different - people should be more familiar with RB, and there's enough time for active players to finish getting their research bureau bonuses and make an informed choice whether to start a new one or not.
And I may add that RB aims at players who need more challenge and more goals in the game, and have a lot of ships - it even doesn't appear until you have 5 T10 ships.

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

Depends how much credits he has vs how much steel. If he rarely plays ranked and clan battles but is sitting on a pile of credits — why not? For competitive players it might not be worth the effort. Freedom of choice, ho

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

At least no one forces to do that in coop :) I've done part of the French "snowflakes" in ranked sprint, lol, played each ship until got 1st victory, it took 14 ships to finish: https://ru.wows-numbers.com/player/season/21141838,Ryuu_kun,season,108/

For that I'd play normally in ranked/random and then closer to the end finish the remaining ones in coop. Or do 1 in coop per day to not get bored, i dislike coop too.

over 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

There are no true credit grinders on T10. Those ships can be okay, but T9 prems generally give more credits.

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

About 7 usually last years. Used to be more, then they've started slicing them down.

Students still have somewhat more.

over 5 years ago - Ryuu_kun - Direct link

No, that's Orthodox Christmas

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_New_Year is on 14th of January